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1981 TV Show Icon

"The Great Slime Crop Failure" is a Season 5 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.



Except for Slouchy, the Smurflings don't appreciate vegetables, so they're sent to work in the fields with Farmer. Soon, the Wartmongers capture them to take care of their poor slime crop.

Plot Summary[]

At Croak Castle, King Bullrush gets mad at his jester Slag, as he informs the king that there's no slime left. Slag also informs him that every farmer in the kingdom has been working on the problem. King Bullrush calls the farmers "mighty fools" and orders Slag to call the Hunters to find him a new farming expert to the forbidden "new land", wanting a new farmer quick.

In the Smurf Village Dining Hall, the Smurfs eat their food and talk while Greedy serves vegetables. None of the Smurflings like the vegetables, with one exception - Slouchy, who gobbles all of the vegetables with a straw. Snappy gets the idea to hide his vegetables in his pockets. Sassette gets an even better idea to pass it onto Slouchy. However, they are caught by Papa Smurf, who sees that the Smurflings don't appreciate vegetables. Snappy tries to downplay the acts, giving Papa Smurf an idea to observe and ask what is in Snappy's pockets.

Papa Smurf brings the Smurflings to Farmer's fields, explaining that the Smurflings need to learn about vegetables. Farmer accepts the request, saying that he could use some help. Papa Smurf tells Slouchy that he doesn't have to do this, as he ate his vegetables already. Slouchy declines, wanting to learn more.

Meanwhile, the Hunters spin around in circles on their boat, with Sludge getting tired of the imbecility of Slop and Slime. Back in the village, the Smurflings help Farmer with several plants and vegetables, though Snappy sees that picking vegetables is no better than eating them after picking a ginormous carrot with Slouchy.

The Hunters are around the forest, observing the various types of footprints and a man on a carriage with a horse that causes dust to the Hunters.

Later, they come across Gargamel's hovel, where the Hunters find that the environment is truly an amazing world. However, as they leave, Azrael is lurking nearby in the hovel. The Hunters stop getting distracted and go back to their mission to get a farmer, but just then, they are found by Azrael and run away from him. Nearby, the Smurflings and Farmer continue walking with several vegetables, with the Smurflings tired and wanting to take a break. Sassette asks Farmer what makes him like vegetables and Farmer explains that his theory is the little good things in vegetables that are so tiny, nobody can see them. The Smurflings congratulate Farmer for being the best farmer in the world. The Hunters hear this and see this as an opportunity. They then bubble and trap them.

In Croak Castle, King Bullrush is mad at the Hunters for always bringing him Smurfs. Slop then explains that Farmer is said to be the greatest farmer in the world. King Bullrush is interested now as the Smurflings tell him that Farmer knows about vegetables. Farmer tells Bullrush that the Hunters told him about the slime crop decline, and he'll help them if they let him go. The king compromises and frees the Smurfs.

The Smurflings later see that it wasn't the best idea to this. Farmer tells the Smurflings to look down and analyze it, which disgusts Snappy. When Snappy asks Farmer if the king will let them go, Farmer says he doesn't trust Bullrush one bit, but he has an idea about how they will get out of here.

Farmer gives Bullrush the remaining slime from the crop and comments on the lack of it. King Bullrush is questioning Farmer on how he can help the crop, so Farmer tells him that he saw an old factory nearby and gives him a drawing of the factory.

Nearby, Papa Smurf, Hefty, Miner, and Greedy see that the Smurflings and Farmer have been smurfnapped. Papa Smurf tells Hefty to go back to the village to form search parties.

Meanwhile, the Hunters pull a rope while Farmer turns the knob. The Smurflings are given slop, which they see that it's horrible. They throw it away and ask Farmer if the plan is going to work. Farmer tells them that the last pump of slime will pump backwards. Farmer tells the Smurflings to get some sleep and they will hopefully be eating Greedy's pancakes.

The Smurflings are woken up by Farmer, who were surprisingly dreaming about vegetables. The five Smurfs proceed to start the plan by pulling the rope while Slouchy steals the bubbler and gives it to Farmer, who bubbles the Smurflings for safety. The Hunters see them as Farmer uses reverse phycology on them and they end up bubbling Farmer, allowing him to escape.

Papa Smurf and the three other Smurfs contemplate, as they realize that the Smurflings and Farmer are in Creepy Deepy Swamp. However, all five Smurfs show up, much to Papa Smurf's surprise. The Smurflings say it's all thanks to Farmer, who is un-bubbled by Miner.

The Wartmongers are happy that their slime crop is saved, though Slag says there may be some good in Smurfs after all. King Bullrush is not super trusting of Smurfs yet, though. The Hunters report to the king that the Smurfs have escaped, but as they are about to explain it, Slop accidentally bumps into the other Wartmongers, causing Bullrush to fall into the mud, answering his question on how they escaped.

In the Smurf Village Dining Hall, Greedy gives the Smurflings vegetables again. Sassette says she still doesn't like vegetables, but they better eat them. Snappy says he wishes that he could find the good things in vegetables Farmer was talking about, so they wouldn't have to eat vegetables anymore, they could eat the little good things. The Smurflings reluctantly begin eating.


  • This episode and it's sister episode have the entire soundtrack was in 1x lower than usual in pitch octave.

