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"The Guest Who Wouldn't Leave" is the fourth episode of Season 2 of the CGI TV series, The Smurfs.



After Wild sprains his ankle, he stays in Papa Smurf's house to recuperate while Papa Smurf is away.


In the forest, Hefty, Brainy, Smurfette, and Wild are collecting acorns by using Wild's strength to jump on the trees. They collect every acorn until there's one left. Wild gets it by jumping on the trees, but the tree that he gets the acorn from breaks. Wild falls on the ground and gets up, but Hefty notices his leg, which hurts from the fall. As the Smurfs contemplate, Brainy gets an idea.

In the village, Brainy reveals the idea is to put Wild in Papa Smurf's house as Papa Smurf is away. Smurfette wonders if this is a good idea, but Brainy says he is away at his magic convention and he would want them to help Wild. Wild does not like this idea and attempts to get away but hurts his foot again and falls. Hefty struggles to get him in the house and on the bed. Smurfette notices he misses his tree and she, Hefty, and Brainy leave to give him a snack.

Later, Smurfette takes Chef's new muffins to Papa Smurf's house, even declining Greedy's ask to eat them. She sees Wild on the floor and Brainy tries to persuade him to get in the bed. She offers him muffins, but he declines. He then admits he wants his tree. Smurfette feels bad for him, but Brainy ruins the moment and Smurfette pushes him out of the house to have a solo talk with him. She then offers Wild a nut. He takes it, but he tries cracking it with his face. Smurfette then tells him to get in bed to rest. However, Wild then jumps on the closet, saying the bed is bad. Smurfette shows him that jumping on the bed is fun. Wild jumps off the closet, but accidentally bounces her onto the ceiling. She falls down on the bed and they start jumping together, but Wild's leg hurts again. Smurfette recommends for him to rest and leaves.

The next day, Wild wakes up to see his leg is better. He gets hungry, so he eats Chef's muffins and enjoys them. He then finds out about various modernized things such as mirrors and toothbrushes. He then hears Brainy knocking and gets into position. When he answers, he tells him that Chef made carrot muffins. Wild gulps down all the muffins and orders him to get more muffins. Smurfette asks how he's doing and Brainy says he's doing fine now. Wild overhears this and pretends to be hurt. Brainy and Smurfette come in the house and Brainy sees that Wild is faking. He shoves him out the house. However, Wild is back in bed and Brainy shoves him out, only to find him sleeping again. Brainy goes to get Hefty to carry him out. Wild pops up from the chimney to call his lizard and monkey friends.

Hefty attempts to reason with Wild in the house, but notices all of his friends are with him. A green lizard looks at him and Hefty picks a fight with him, but he gets burnt.

None of the Smurfs' attempts to drive Wild away work. First, Smurfette gets Chef to make a huge muffin. Later, she bribes him with it while also saying if he doesn't come out of the house, she will give it to Greedy. Wild instead takes the muffin by partially opening the door and he and his animal friends chomp it. Greedy is depressed and later, Brainy calls Harmony to annoy Wild with loud music. This fails (although it annoys the other Smurfs) and Wild and his friends enjoy it. Brainy's scheme to put Jokey's box down the chimney fails as well and they send it back and it explodes. Brainy decides to take things into his own hands.

Later, Handy gives Brainy a jetpack. He tries to explain how it works, but Brainy doesn't listen and says he's the smartest Smurf. Handy turns it on and Brainy starts flying around the village and crashes into Papa Smurf's house. Wild's friends leave in panic. Brainy finally comes down and grabs Wild's legs. Through struggling, the two fly out of Papa Smurf's house, right before Papa Smurf arrives. Smurfette tells him there's something he needs to know first.

Elsewhere, Wild repeatedly jumps on the bed as Brainy yells and complains to give the bed back.


  • This episode marks the English order debut of Wild in the series.
  • The scene where Brainy flies on his jet pack has his face hit through the air. This is similar to Scaredy in "My Smurf The Hero".
  • Some of the scenes where the Smurfs are annoyed from Harmony's music reuses footage from "Diaper Daddy" and "Fake News". The scene with Grouchy is reused from "Fake News" as well, just redubbed.
  • One of Wild's friends is a monkey, which looks similar to the Monkey from other episodes. It is unknown if this is the same monkey or not.

