"The Last Smurfberry" is a Season 3 episode from the 1980s Smurfs cartoon show.
- Gargamel
- Azrael
- Papa Smurf
- Dreamy Smurf
- Greedy Smurf
- Smurfette
- Brainy Smurf
- Hefty Smurf
- Jokey Smurf
- Poet Smurf
- Vanity Smurf
- Handy Smurf
- Grouchy Smurf
- Lazy Smurf
- Harmony Smurf
- Baby Smurf
- Tailor Smurf
- Sea Witch
- Blacksmith Smurf (Cameo)
- Painter Smurf (Cameo)
- Tracker Smurf (Cameo)
- Mother Nature (Mentioned only)
- Mummy (Mentioned only)
- Unnamed Smurfs
Gargamel destroys all the smurfberry bushes in the forest except for one he plants next to his hovel, so Dreamy and his crew are sent to Smurfberry Island to get more smurfberries.
Plot Summary
The story begins with Gargamel in his castle ranting to his cat Azrael about his ever catching the Smurfs when Hefty and Jokey leave a little package at the wizard's doorstep. Gargamel responds to the knocking and answers to find the present waiting for him, but upon opening it's revealed to be one of Jokey's surprises, only this one splatter smurfberry jam all over the wizard, which makes him sick. He curses the Smurfs for this little prank that was played on him, saying that he will get them someday. As Gargamel washes himself from the messy smurfberry jam prank, he decides that the way he will make all the Smurfs suffer is that he will destroy all the smurfberries.
Meanwhile, out in the forest, the Smurfs are busy picking smurfberries from the bushes, with Smurfette and Handy talking about Greedy making smurfberry honey cakes. Lazy sleeps with his basket of smurfberries lying out in the open, which Brainy accidentally steps on, causing his stack of smurfberry baskets to fall on his head. Brainy at first scolds Lazy for what he has done, but then relents when he tastes how wonderful the smurfberries are. Later on, back in the village, every Smurf is eagerly waiting at the dining table for Greedy to bring out the smurfberry honey cake, which will be Baby Smurf's first one to eat. Then with Harmony's announcement, Greedy brings out the cake for every Smurf to enjoy, which makes all the Smurfs cheer. After everyone has their fill of the smurfberry honey cake, Papa Smurf says they should give thanks to Mother Nature for the plentiful harvest of smurfberries and to Greedy for his culinary mastery of the smurfberry. Greedy asks Papa Smurf what they would do without the smurfberry as he takes a lick from the nearly finished cake, and Papa Smurf could only say that it would be a disaster.
At this point, Gargamel has perfected the formula that would destroy smurfberries and has tested it out on one of the bushes growing in the forest. He sprays a bit of the formula on the bush and watches as it shrivels up and dies, noticing that the formula works, and then he proceeds to spray more of the bushes and watch as they die one by one, feeling happy about the damage he has done. He soon comes to the last smurfberry bush in the forest and decides that he will take it back to his house, saying that if the Smurfs want smurfberries, they're going to have to come to him. He replants the tree near his castle and digs a deep trench around it, putting a snake in the trench to protect it from any Smurf who will try to get their hands on the bush. The last thing Gargamel places is a spring trap in the ground for an unsuspecting Smurf to step onto when he comes toward the smurfberry bush. However, Gargamel's carefully laid trap doesn't stop the smurfberry birds from coming to eat of its berries.

The last smurfberry bush
Back in the village, Greedy has completed the baking of a pie with the last of the collected smurfberries and says that he needs some more. Hefty, Brainy, and Handy say that they will help get Greedy some more berries. But as the four go back into the forest, they see that all the smurfberry bushes have died off, meaning that there are no more smurfberries left. Brainy thinks that it's only a temporary situation that will correct itself, but the other three see that they need to inform Papa Smurf about it.
Upon hearing from the four Smurfs that the smurfberry bushes in the forest have died, Papa Smurf asks if there are any seeds left in the storehouse for planting. But as they find, there are none left, because Greedy used the last ones for topping on a pudding. Soon they are faced with a disaster as the Smurfs at the dinner table are all demanding smurfberries and Baby Smurf refuses to eat the meal that was made in place of smurfberries. Even Papa Smurf's formula for making artificial smurfberries by using a machine created by Handy doesn't work, as it makes berries that don't taste like smurfberries. Papa Smurf then says the only thing left to do is to go on an expedition to the island where smurfberries were first discovered, which means that they will have to sail across the sea.
To that end, the Smurfs begin work on the construction of a new sailing ship of which Dreamy will be its captain, donning a new captain's hat that was made specifically for him by Tailor. Smurfette finds the quest of braving the seas for finding smurfberries to save the village romantic, but Brainy doesn't find certain parts of sailing to be romantic and vocally expresses his views to the other Smurfs, which rewards him with his usual one-way flight out of the village. Greedy in the meanwhile spots the last smurfberry bush near Gargamel's lair and goes back to the village to tell Papa Smurf about it, but Papa Smurf warns Greedy that it would be too dangerous and advises him not to go after it.
However, Gargamel is frustrated as he sits and waits for a Smurf to come and try getting hold of the last smurfberry bush, only to find not a single one is coming. He goes out into the forest to try finding the Smurfs and sees that the little trees that have been cut down and have been taken by cart down to the River Smurf, where he guesses they are building a boat with which they will travel to the island where smurfberries grow. Gargamel decides to build a boat of his own so that he will go after the Smurfs and stop them from bringing home more smurfberries.

Dreamy's crew
Soon, the new sailing ship is ready for launch, and Papa Smurf breaks a bottle upon its hull to christen it the S.S. Smurf II. Dreamy and his crew then set sail upon the seas for their quest of smurfberries as the others cheer. Gargamel spots them on the water and has his boat go after theirs. Meanwhile, Greedy goes back to Gargamel's castle to see the last smurfberry bush while carrying Baby Smurf and sees that the smurfberry bird is easily picking berries off the bush. Greedy gets closer to the bush, hoping to get the smurfberry bird to get some berries for him, when he steps on the spring that catapults him and Baby into the trench where they come face to face with the snake guarding the bush. The smurfberry bird hears Greedy's cry for help and informs Papa Smurf about what has happened, which he tells his little Smurfs.
Out on the sea, things get perilous as the S.S. Smurf II bravely sails through a storm while trying to outrun Gargamel in his boat. After the storm clears, though, the Smurfs have only Gargamel on their trail trying to catch up to them. As the Smurfs steer their ship into the fog bank, Gargamel's actions do not go unnoticed, as a pirate ship sailing on the seas spots the evil wizard in his boat chasing what they think is a toy boat with mice on it. Just before Gargamel finally has the Smurfs in his reach, the pirate ship fires cannonballs that capsize Gargamel's boat, giving the Smurfs enough time to escape while the pirate captain deals with the evil wizard, eventually forcing him to walk the plank.
Back in the Smurf Forest, Papa Smurf and the other Smurfs are at Gargamel's castle where they see Greedy and Baby Smurf held at bay by the snake in the trench. Papa Smurf hopes that talking to the snake will cause it to reconsider attacking the Smurfs it has captive. Papa Smurf seems to have succeeded in doing so and was about to climb out of the trench with Greedy and Baby when the Smurfs lose their grip on the rope Papa Smurf was holding onto, causing him to fall into the trench. Fortunately, the snake proved to be very helpful, and the three Smurfs made it safely out without a problem. Then they go into Gargamel's lair and discover a map on the table, which Gargamel has used to chart his course to Smurfberry Island, where he hopes to get to the Smurfs before they get to the smurfberries.
The S.S. Smurf II lands upon an island where the Smurfs take rest upon its shore while Dreamy looks around and then comes back to report where the smurfberry bushes are located. They follow the intrepid Smurf captain over the sand dunes and pick the berries from its bushes, even eating them until they had their fill. Gargamel finds himself washed ashore on the same island with his cat and soon goes after the Smurfs. But a woman who lives in a tree house by the sea notices that the island has trespassers and so transports herself to the S.S. Smurf II where the Smurfs are busy filling its cargo hold full of smurfberries. She demands to know what they're doing on the island, and the Smurfs explain that they have come to collect smurfberries because Gargamel has destroyed their bushes. The witch demands to know who this Gargamel is, and suddenly Gargamel appears, claiming to have cared for the Smurfs only to be rejected. The witch hears the case from both Gargamel and the Smurfs, warning that her seagulls can know who is lying and will peck the noses of liars. As Gargamel states his case, a smurfberry bird sent by Papa Smurf informs the witch, which makes her realize that Gargamel is the guilty party, and thus she sends her seagulls after the evil wizard while allowing the Smurfs to leave her island with the smurfberries.
Back in the village, with the last smurfberry bush safely in the care of the Smurfs, they are eagerly waiting for the return of the S.S. Smurf II when Harmony comes racing into the village to inform the others of the sailing ship's return. They all gather at the shore to see the ship arrive with a big smurfberry bush attached to it. Handy sees that the crew has made some modifications to the ship, and Papa Smurf says it's simply amazing. Meanwhile, Gargamel has been chased all the way back to his own house by the seagulls, saying that he hates lying Smurfs, that he hates seagulls... and upon entering his house and seeing what awaits him, that he hates snakes.
- This episode would be referenced in "The Smurf Who Would Be King" as a vision of Smurfette reminds Dreamy of past adventures that required courage.
- Strangely, Farmer does not appear in this episode even though the episode deals with his crops.