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Grouchous 3

I hate seeing double!

"The Monumental Grouch" is a Season 9 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.



Painter's statue of Grouchy comes to life and follows Grouchy around.

Plot Summary[]

As the time-lost Smurfs visit Rome during the period of the ancient Roman Empire, they help themselves to a bunch of grapes growing on the vine, with Painter seeing a bunch that he thinks looks magnifique for his latest masteurpiesa. Brainy just says that Painter's got grapes on the brain, but as he trips and falls, he accidentally gives Grouchy a grape bunch hairdo as his basket lands on his fellow Smurf's head. All Grouchy could say is that he hates "grapes on the brain".

In a nearby coliseum, the Smurfs examine statues of the greatest heroes that have ever lived and comment on how magnificent they are, with Grouchy saying that he hates statues of famous heroes. Brainy mounts himself up on a pedestal, telling Grouchy that nobody would ever make a statue of him, while saying that he himself is a much worthy subject for such a statue...a sentiment that not every Smurf in the group shares with him. When Brainy says not even Painter could make Grouchy look heroic with a statue, Painter decides to take that as a challenge. After Clumsy bumps into the pedestal and knocks Brainy down into Grouchy's arms, Painter finds a block of marble to start his work with, telling Grouchy that he will love it. Grouchy retorts by saying he will hate it.

After some hard work, Painter's statue of Grouchy is finished, and he likes the result of his work so much that he decides to call it Grouchus Smurfus. All that's needed now is to mount it onto the pedestal, which Hefty offers to do so that everybody can see Painter's amazing work. The village artist then asks Grouchy how he likes it, and Grouchy just turns the other way and says that he hates it, which makes Painter so upset that all his hard work was rewarded with an insult that he just walks off. Brainy tries to offer his own personal commentary, but Grouchy doesn't care to hear what anyone thinks of the statue, which makes the other Smurfs upset enough to walk off as well. However, after all the other Smurfs are gone from the coliseum, Grouchy says that he hates angry Smurfs, but he likes the statue of himself as he admires it while striking the same pose as the statue.

Sometime later, as Grouchy is walking back to camp, an ogre by the name of Biggus Mouthicus comes out of a cave, feeling hungry and raring to find something to eat when he sees Grouchy passing by. He hides himself behind a walk and watches the little Smurf, then as the Smurf is within arm's reach, the ogre grabs for him, but instead gets a hold of a rock and munches on it, saying that he enjoys the taste of crunchy grapes. Grouchy senses for a moment a danger nearby, but he looks behind and sees nothing, so he shrugs it off and says he must have imagined it.

At night, while the Smurfs are sleeping, the statues in the coliseum come to life, including Grouchus Smurfus. The other statues look at the new addition and wonder who and what he's supposed to be, and after Grouchy's statue introduces himself, they ask him if he's a great hero like themselves. Grouchus simply says that he doesn't know, but he's going to go out and prove himself. The other statues say he can't return to the coliseum until he does prove himself, which Grouchus says that he would love to do.

On the following day, Painter was working on a painting of Smurfette, which the village artist says that the smile is a bit off. Meanwhile, Brainy, Hefty, and Grandpa Smurf are in the wine vats stomping on grapes in order to make grape juice, a job which makes Brainy slip and fall into the juice. Grandpa Smurf asks Grouchy to give them a hand... or a foot... and Grouchy says that he hates to give either, but he will do it. Greedy is busy cooking up a meal for the group and then says that the smurfestrone soup is now ready, which makes the grape-stomping Smurfs come rushing out of the wine vats to grab a meal, though Grouchy ends up slipping and falling into the juice.

As the Smurfs gather around the serving table to get a serving of the soup, Greedy causes a pot of garlic powder to land on Grouchy, covering him until he is completely as pale as the statue. Meanwhile, Grouchus Smurfus has appeared at the camp after Grouchy walks off for a bit, saying that he loves the soup and that he also loves the painting Painter had made of Smurfette. The Smurfs think this is Grouchy saying that and wonder what's gotten into him that would give him a change of disposition... until the real Grouchy voices his actual opinion. The other Smurfs are amazed to see two Grouchys in the same area, but Painter is even more amazed to discover that the "other Grouchy" is his statue come to life. He tells Grandpa Smurf that he used marble at the Circle Of The Famous Heroes to make the statue, which makes Grandpa Smurf tell the legend of statues coming to life at the light of the moon, and that Painter must have used the magic marble to make the statue.

Grouchus Smurfus looks at Grouchy and asks him if he's a hero, which makes the other Smurfs laugh, with Greedy saying the closest Grouchy came to being a hero was trying out his hero sandwiches. Grouchus says that he can't go back to the Circle Of Heroes until he has proven himself a hero, a task that Brainy says will take him 2,000 to 3,000 years to accomplish. Smurfette suggests that Grouchus will have to stay with them for a while, which Grouchus says he would love to stay, but Grouchy hates he would hate for Grouchus to stay.

After a while, Grouchy decides to head off into the forest, hopefully to get rid of his marble-made counterpart which is starting to annoy him with his cheery and optimistic disposition, not to mention that he is following him. As Grouchy quickly ducks behind a tree to hide himself from Grouchus, Biggus Mouthicus comes by and sees Grouchy again, thinking it's another blue grape. The ogre reaches out for Grouchy, but as he gets hit in the face by a branch, his hand ends up grabbing another rock and he chews on that while Grouchy escapes unharmed. He returns to camp, where the other Smurfs ask where Grouchus is, and he says that he loves that he lost him, only for Grouchus to soon show up and find Grouchy again so he can be a hero.

Grouchy tries to find other ways to get rid of Grouchus. First, he has Grouchus try to prove himself a hero by climbing to the top of a small rocky mountain to get the olive branch from the top, which Grouchus is all too eager to do. Grouchy returns to camp just as the Smurfs are roasting smurfmallows, to which he says that he hates, but then Grouchus shows up with the olive branch, asking if he's a hero now. Grouchy's next attempt to lose Grouchus was to have him play hide-and-go-smurf inside a nearby cavern, with Grouchus believing that this will make him a hero. Though Grouchy thinks he has given his statue the slip, he finds himself running straight into Biggus Mouthicus, who thinks he's found another blue grape to eat. Grouchus sees that his living counterpart is in trouble and rushes in to pull Grouchy out and away from the ogre before he tackles the big brute himself. In the struggle between statue and ogre, though, the supports of the cavern collapse, and Biggus Mouthicus is left in a daze while Grouchy sees that his statue is now broken in pieces. The statues in the circle see how heroic Grouchus Smurfus was in saving his friend, but it just makes Grouchy sad that Grouchus is now in pieces because of him.

The living statues then take the pieces of Grouchus with them to the circle, where the Smurfs see that the brave Smurf made of stone is now whole again and standing among the famous heroes. Brainy says that it doesn't make Grouchy a hero, but Grandpa Smurf points out that the statue is no different from Grouchy, only that he expressed himself differently. Grouchy says he hates expressing himself differently, but after the other Smurfs go back to the camp where Papa Smurf has the time crystals ready for another trip through time, Grouchy bids a farewell to Grouchus Smurfus. Grouchus slips a wink to Grouchy and then to the viewer as the story ends.


  • Grouchus Smurfus gives the audience a wink at the end, much like how the Statue of Liberty does at the end of An American Tail. This also counts as fourth wall breaking.
  • Unlike the other episodes in Season 9, this episode does not have an independent title card. It shares with the one from the episode "Greedy's Master Pizza", which only the title is changed.
  • This is the only Season 9 episode not to feature Papa Smurf; however, he is mentioned by Grandpa Smurf.
  • This is one of the few episodes where Grouchy shows his caring side of him as he felt bad for Grouchus Smurfus when he got destroyed.

