"The Most Popular Smurf" is a Season 6 episode of the 1980s Smurfs cartoon show.
- Jokey Smurf
- Scruple
- Gargamel
- Azrael
- Smurfette
- Brainy Smurf
- Clumsy Smurf
- Papa Smurf
- Sassette Smurfling
- Snappy Smurfling
- Slouchy Smurfling
- Harmony Smurf
- Painter Smurf
- Greedy Smurf
- Baby Smurf
- Vanity Smurf (Does not speak)
- Unnamed Smurfs
Scruple is annoyed by Jokey's surprises and enchants them so they now contain real gifts.
Plot Summary[]
Out in the Smurf Forest, Gargamel laughs as he has collected a batch of stinkweed stems, telling his cat Azrael that with it he will make a giant stink bomb that will drive the Smurfs away from their village. The evil wizard hopes that his apprentice Scruple has finished cleaning his cauldron, but instead he is seen placing a bucket of water on top of the front door and tying a string to the bucket so he could see how all "washed up" his master is. Sure enough, when Gargamel comes back home and opens the door, he is doused by the bucket of water, making Scruple laugh at his mishap. Gargamel is so angry at the young bratty pupil for ruining his stinkweed that he kicks him out of the castle and tells him not to come back until he has collected enough stinkweed. Scruple is left muttering to himself that his master just doesn't have a sense of humor.
Meanwhile, the Smurfs are busy collecting smurfberries from a patch of bushes in the forest when Smurfette encounters some beautiful flowers that she asks Brainy to take back to the village. However, it doesn't take long before Jokey comes along with one of his surprises and offers it to Brainy, who as usual opens it only to find that as usual it explodes on him. Brainy is so disgusted with Jokey that he asks when he will learn that he will never be as popular as Brainy if he keeps giving Smurfs his joke presents. Jokey says that he doesn't want to be popular, only to be funny. But then Scruple shows up, and the Smurfs run for their lives as he decides to go after Smurfs instead of stinkweed. Jokey stops running long enough to give Scruple one of his surprises, and Scruple opens it only to find it exploding on him. Scruple is left threatening Jokey that he will get that Smurf someday as Jokey runs away, saying that some people just can't take a joke.
Back at Gargamel's castle, Scruple's master scolds him for letting that Smurf get away and for falling for that Smurf's particular gag. Scruple tries to explain himself, but Gargamel doesn't want to hear, telling the young apprentice that he will get his master the stinkweed that he asks for. Late at night, Scruple decides to get even with Jokey and so he casts a spell on the empty surprise box that they will no longer contain bombs but rather something nice. The spell soon takes hold on Jokey's stack of unopened surprises in his house while he sleeps.
The following day, Brainy watches three of the Smurflings play smurfball with Clumsy when Clumsy messes up on the kick, causing the ball to be passed onto Brainy. He then proceeds to show the proper way to kick a smurfball, only for his kick to send the ball into the water well and thus end the game. Soon Jokey comes along with his usual surprise present that he offers Brainy, which is immediately rejected by Brainy, saying that he isn't going to fall for the same old joke. Clumsy decides to accept Jokey's present, but instead of exploding, he finds a set of dishware inside the box and thanks Jokey for the present, which makes Jokey wonder how it got inside the box. The Smurflings then ask Jokey for a surprise, and so he offers one to each of the three Smurflings. But instead of exploding, Snappy receives a new smurfball, Slouchy receives a cookie, and Sassette receives a pet frog that she chases after.
Jokey doesn't understand why his surprise presents are now filled with nice presents instead of his usual explosions, but Brainy thinks that Jokey has taken his friend's words of wisdom to heart and decided to change his ways. He goes to tell Jokey that this is going to make him the most popular Smurf, but Jokey says that he doesn't want to be popular and soon locks himself away in his own house.
Sometime later, Jokey visits Papa Smurf in his laboratory while he is in the middle of an experiment to tell the village leader that something has gone wrong with his surprise presents. Papa Smurf tells Jokey that he doesn't have any time for his jokes, but Jokey says that this is not a joke, and so Papa Smurf opens the surprise present Jokey is carrying and finds that inside it, instead of the usual explosion, there is a telescope. Papa Smurf tells Jokey not to worry, that he will "look into it", and so looks into the telescope after Jokey leaves.
The popularity of Jokey's new surprise presents offering nice surprises instead of his usual explosions has soon attracted the attention of every Smurf, much to the point where Jokey runs and hides himself inside his own house to keep away from his fellow Smurfs wanting his new surprises. But he finds that he can't keep his fellow Smurfs away from him forever as long as he is inside his house, so Jokey quietly sneaks away into the forest, where at this moment Gargamel and Scruple have gone out to collect more stinkweed. The young pupil finds Jokey with one of his surprises, who this time offers no resistance, sounding rather depressed. Soon Gargamel comes along and takes Jokey out of his apprentice's hands, telling Scruple to go fetch firewood because tonight he will be dining on Smurf.
Inside Gargamel's lair, the evil wizard has the water on the stove nice and ready for cooking a Smurf when he sees that his captive Smurf isn't so jolly. He pries the surprise present out of Jokey's hands while Jokey warns the wizard not to open it, but Gargamel throws Jokey onto the table where Azrael traps him inside a small pot before opening the present. Inside the package, Gargamel finds a small gold nugget, which makes him so curious and demanding to know where that Smurf found it. Jokey simply answers that he doesn't know and that all his presents now offer nice surprises, which to him is a tragedy. But Gargamel just sees a golden opportunity to make himself rich, and so tells Jokey that he's going to build the biggest surprise for the evil wizard or he's going to be Smurf soup.
Back in the village, Papa Smurf examines one of Jokey's surprises and senses that a junior wizard has cast a spell on it, and so after Jokey builds a big surprise present for Gargamel to open, Papa Smurf casts a new spell on the surprises so that they will cause nothing but explosions. After Jokey is put back into his cage, Scruple notices that the big surprise present is glowing and tries to warn his master about it, but Gargamel just proceeds to open it, saying that he's finally getting what he deserves. At that point, the surprise present explodes, and Gargamel, Scruple, and Jokey are blown out of the castle, with Jokey escaping to the village while Gargamel lands in the muck pond, throwing a tantrum while his apprentice Scruple laughs at the prank that Jokey pulled on him.
With Jokey back among his fellow Smurfs, he offers his fellow Smurfs his surprises once again, which they still think are his new surprises, but upon opening at the same time they find out that it is his usual exploding presents. Brainy says to that Jokey is now no longer the most popular Smurf. But Jokey frankly just doesn't care, as he opens one of his own surprise presents and says now that's funny as it explodes.
- Nat is the only Smurfling not to appear in this episode.
- Gargamel says how dumb it is to be tricked by Jokey’s exploding boxes over and over again. This is a reference to majority of the Smurfs frequently falling for Jokey's surprises.