"The Most Unsmurfy Game" is the Season 6 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.
- Brainy Smurf
- Nat Smurfling
- Snappy Smurfling
- Slouchy Smurfling
- Sassette Smurfling
- King Bullrush
- Hunters
- Slop
- Sludge
- Slime
- Grumper
- Wartmongers
- Smurfette (Non-speaking cameo)
- Tailor Smurf (Non-speaking cameo)
- Farmer Smurf (Non-speaking cameo)
- Pussywillow Pixies (Mentioned only)
A hike guide Brainy puts himself and the Smurflings into danger with the Wartmongers.
Plot Summary[]
Brainy was teaching the Smurflings in the forest about natures. As Brainy talked, Nat heard some squirrels talking to Nat. So, Nat talked back using squirrel's language. But Brainy disapproved him, saying that talking to animals won't learn, so he will have to follow Brainy. As the Smurflings walked, the darker it gets. Snappy asks Brainy when they will get home as it's getting dark. Brainy told him to calm down, saying they'll come back very soon.
But later, they realize they're lost in the murky woods. Snappy ask Brainy what'll they do now, in respond, he says they'll have to keep walking until they found their way. Meanwhile, the Wartmongers are carrying their King, hoping to find the Pussywillow Pixies, just to find a giant frog, Grumper. All of the Wartmonger ran away, leaving their king, King Bullrush. Just after he ran away from Grumper, the Smurfs got into a slimy lake, not realizing until Snappy mention that how's he's taller than Brainy, then they all realizing they were all stuck in this slimy lake.
King Bullrush heard them and captured them. When he returned, he bragged that he's even better than his hunters. Then Sassette pointed out that of course he could capture them, because they were already stuck in that pond. Slop, Sludge, and Slime, agreed with the Smurfs, saying they would also already capture them too. But the King was not convinced so he decided to make a game, whoever first catches a Smurf wins and will be the best hunter. All the hunters agreed, but Bullrush added that if they lose, they'll have to clean the castle for a whole month, and if he loses, then they are proven to be the best hunter, making the hunters fall to the ground.

Oh no! They’re Smurfing for Smurfs
The next morning, the guards set the Smurfs free. As Slag and Bullrush riding on the snail, the other ones are trying to get the snail to move. But the snail just stayed there. One of them question what's wrong with the snail, as they looked inside the shell, they realize it's empty. Another of the mentioned that the king forgot to put in the snail because he wants to win. So, the three of them just walked.
The Smurfs try to escape out of the forest, until they got to the same place where they started. Then suddenly, the three Wartmongers got the Smurfs, trying to use their magic bubble to capture them, but instead, it's empty. So, the Smurfs saw their chance, they ran away from them. The king tells Slag to dress as a Smurf, so he did, and sang the Smurf's song. Slop, Sludge, and Slime heard the Smurf's song, thinking it's a Smurf, just pounce on Slag, until they see its just Slag. So, the king uses two dragons to smell the tracks of the Smurf. The others think it's no fair, later gets scared when the dragons came close to them, tracking down the Smurfs.
Then, the dragons found the Smurfs. Brainy was trying to figure out how to escape them, just as he got an idea. He ran to a big leaf and pulled it out, sending the Smurfs flying on the giant leaf over the cliff. Bullrush tried to stop the dragons, but it's too late, the dragons already climbed in the cliff. At the end of the murky forest, they saw they're almost home. But suddenly, all the Wartmongers surrounding Brainy, Sassette, and Slouchy. Only Snappy and Nat escapes. The Wartmongers argued who gets the Smurfs first. Then Sassette pointed out it can be a tie, just as Bullrush cut her silence, saying she shouldn't be in their argument. Snappy asked Nat what to do, Nat saw a log and do what he did best.
As they argue, they heard a loud voice that sounded just like Grumper. All the Wartmongers ran away, leaving the three Smurfs. They wondered what's that sound, until they saw Nat coming out of the log, still ribbiting like a frog's voice, like Grumper's. They all cheered for Nat, saying he's a hero. Back at the Smurf village, the Smurflings expect for Brainy, carrying Nat and cheers for him as the other Smurfs watches. Then Brainy Smurf said fine, as he gives Nat a present: Quotations Of Brainy Smurf. Nat didn't really want it, but then gets an idea.
He shows Brainy that he uses his book as a bird nest, as Brainy responds angrily, as the Smurflings laughed. Back at the toad castle, the king has his hunters do chores for a whole month. One of them says he knows why they have to do chores, because they are sore losers.
- In production order, this is the final episode to feature the Wartmongers. However, this is not the last episode to feature the Grumper, as he makes one more appearance in "Reckless Smurfs".