"The Mr. Smurf Contest" is a Season 5 episode from the 1980s Smurfs cartoon show.
- Smurfette
- Gargamel
- Sassette Smurfling
- Papa Smurf
- Azrael
- Clumsy Smurf
- Vanity Smurf
- Jokey Smurf
- Brainy Smurf
- Hefty Smurf
- Handy Smurf
- Greedy Smurf
- Grouchy Smurf
- Farmer Smurf
- Snappy Smurfling (Does not speak)
- Baby Smurf (Does not speak)
- Harmony Smurf (Does not speak)
- Unnamed Smurfs
The Smurfs have a contest to choose who will be Smurfette's dancer this evening, and Gargamel sneaks into it in the form of a Smurf.
Plot Summary

At least there isn't a swimsuit competition in this contest!
In the Smurf Village, Papa Smurf is pleased to see that because every Smurf has worked together, that year's harvest was "the smurfiest ever", and so to reward their hard work, he announces that he's going to throw a great big Harvest Moon Ball. Sassette assumes that Papa Smurf is going to throw a literal ball, but he tells the young Smurfling that it's really a dance. This gets Smurfette all excited, saying she's hoping some Smurf will ask her to the ball. Clumsy is the first to offer, then Vanity steps in, then Jokey, and then Smurfette is surrounded by a whole group of suitors just wanting to be the one to take her to the ball. Sassette realizes that she's going to have to think of something or else Papa Smurf may reconsider throwing a ball.
Soon, as the Smurfs are busy arguing over which of them Smurfette will want as her escort, Sassette comes on the scene and announces that there's going to be a Mr. Smurf Contest, and that the winner of the contest will get to take Smurfette to the ball. This gets the Smurfs interested to the point of asking how they could enter. Sassette hands Brainy a clipboard and says for them to fill out a form listing all of their qualifications. Brainy gladly starts filling it out, saying it could take him forever.
At Gargamel's castle, the evil wizard prepares to douse himself with a special Smurf solution that he places in a bucket on a shelf over his head, telling Azrael that if he can't beat them, he can join them. Gargamel pulls the rope, causing the formula to be splashed on him, and soon he is a Smurf with Gargamel's nose. But that also instantly makes him a target for Azrael, who ends up chasing his master out of his own castle.
Meanwhile, Hefty leads Clumsy and Vanity out on a jog through the forest with the two other Smurfs dragging themselves along, telling those two Smurfs that they'd better get in shape if he's going to have competition in the Mr. Smurf Contest. Then Hefty sees Azrael coming toward them, and soon the three Smurfs are running for their lives, escaping the cat by diving into a gopher hole. They are joined by a fourth Smurf who dives in after them, whom the other three notice has a strange nose. The fourth Smurf tells them that Azrael must have pawed him in the nose. He soon hears that they're going to have a Mr. Smurf Contest at the Smurf Theater, and that every Smurf is going to be there. This excites the fourth Smurf, who is really Gargamel in disguise, saying that when the formula wears off, he'll have the Smurfs right where he wants them.
Back in the village, the rest of the Smurfs are putting themselves through grueling workouts to get in shape for the contest -- all except for Brainy, who tells them that they can work out all they want, but he intends to use his head. As Brainy gets knocked over by the punching bag that he hits, Gargamel covers his nose with a bandage, saying that it will keep the other Smurfs from catching on until the time comes when he will be doing the catching. In Tailor's workshop, Sassette takes a look at Smurfette's ball dress and wonders what it will look like on her. Papa Smurf overhears Sassette and thinks of something.
Soon, every Smurf is gathered around the Smurf Theater, waiting for the contest pageant to start. Smurfette is wondering about Sassette having her wear a judge's gown, while the Smurfs in the contest are making final preparations for their appearance on stage. Vanity is warming up his voice (for his song-and-dance routine) by running through the solfège, on the Mi note. He swoons and says how that word delights him so ("Me"). Clumsy is nervous about who's going to win, while Hefty tells Clumsy that he doesn't get nervous when he knows who's going to win. Grouchy mutters that he hates knowing who's going to win... before letting off a brief chuckle that assumes it's going to be him! Greedy brings the room's attention to him by boasting that Smurfette was paying attention to him at the dinner last night. The other Smurfs scowl at him in jealousy and contempt. Vanity steps in to tell Greedy the only reason Smurfette was staring at him was because he was talking with his mouth full. Gargamel, away in the corner, says that soon his mouth will be full of Smurfs!
Soon, with Snappy starting up the music, the pageant starts with Sassette presenting each of the contestants one by one before Smurfette and the entire audience. Greedy shows up on stage with a bunch of baked goodies, some of which drop out of his pockets. Vanity moves back and forth before Smurfette while studying himself with a hand mirror in each hand. Jokey offers Smurfette one of his "surprises", which Brainy interrupts by calling it a violation, saying that contestants cannot bribe the judge. Jokey then gives the "surprise" to Brainy, who opens it only to get a pie in the face. However, when Sassette announces Brainy on to the stage, the bespectacled Smurf realizes that his grand entrance has been ruined.
The next part of the contest was a group singalong that all the contestants participate in, singing to be the one that Smurfette will choose to take her to the ball, after which Gargamel says to himself that he's going to be sick. Following this comes the talent part of the contest, with Greedy being the first act. Sassette says that he will make a table of goodies disappear... and when he pulls the tablecloths, he does make them disappear, right into his mouth! Vanity does a song and dance routine of his own, all dressed up in a suit and tie while looking at his reflection. Clumsy does a unicycle act, which ends up with him cycling himself off the stage and out beyond the village limits. Sassette next introduces "Nosey Smurf and his imitation of Gargamel", and behind the curtains, Gargamel is cursing the Smurf pushing him onto the stage, where he finds himself embarrassed to be the center of attention. As every Smurf claps at the "impersonation", Papa Smurf comments that it certainly sounds realistic. The next acts include Farmer's trained worms, Handy's musical nails, and Grouchy with his "thousand faces" which are all variations of the same face he usually wears.
Then comes the final part of the contest: a surprise question that each of the contestants must answer. Sassette asks Greedy what he will do if he sees Smurfette hungry at the ball, and Greedy says he will get a plate of cookies and give Smurfette the first one before eating the rest. Sassette asks Vanity what he will do if he takes Smurfette to the ball and it rains, and Vanity says that he will put his mirror over his head and run. Sassette asks Jokey what he will do to make sure Smurfette has a good time, and Jokey says he will give her so many presents it will take her all night to open them.
Then comes the biggest moment in the contest: which Smurf will Smurfette choose to be the one to take her to the ball, with Gargamel waiting for the moment to reveal which Smurf isn't a Smurf at all. Unfortunately, Smurfette is having a hard time picking a winner from among the contestants because they're all so smurfy in their own ways. She then decides that every Smurf in the contest can be the ones that will take her to the ball, which makes the contestants cheer that they have won. But Nosey Smurf says that he's the biggest winner of them all, and soon that Smurf reveals himself to be Gargamel as the Smurf solution wears off. However, Gargamel finds out that he's still the same size as every other Smurf, and soon he gets thrown out of the village, and straight into the path of Azrael, who then chases after his master.
Sassette watches as Smurfette is happy to have someone take her to the ball, but now she feels sad that no one will do the same for her. She decides that it's time to clean up, but Papa Smurf tells the young Smurfling that he's got a little surprise for her. He shows her that it's a dress that he made that Sassette can wear to the ball, and not only that, but he also offers to be her escort.
At the ball, each of the Mr. Smurf Contest winners are taking turns dancing with Smurfette, although some of them are watching Sassette dance with Papa Smurf. Handy offers to have a dance with the young Smurfling, but she refuses, saying that she has her own Mr. Smurf!
- Many foreign DVD releases (as well as the iTunes edition) carry the syndicated Smurfs Adventures repackaging of this episode, as opposed to the rest of the episodes, which remained uncut (although this episode also uses the modified Season 1 intro sequence and credits for foreign markets).
- Gargamel's first Smurf transformation was in Season 1's "The Baby Smurf".