"The Smurf Fire Brigade" is a Season 3 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.
- Handy Smurf
- Papa Smurf
- Gargamel
- Azrael
- Clumsy Smurf
- Poet Smurf
- Greedy Smurf
- Brainy Smurf
- Smurfette
- Lazy Smurf
- Harmony Smurf
- Jokey Smurf
- Hefty Smurf
- Grouchy Smurf
- Vanity Smurf
- Unnamed Smurfs
The Smurfs organize a fire brigade, but Gargamel dries the river and plugs out their water.
Plot Summary[]
It is a really hot day in the Smurf Village... in fact, so hot that Greedy is able to fry an egg on a rock. There is noticeably a lot of bugs and insects flitting around the village, though Papa Smurf doesn't take notice of it or the bothersome heat as he is busy cataloguing all the flowers that are growing in a grove near the village. Out by the Smurf River Bridge, Brainy and Vanity are taking it easy, while upriver, Gargamel is busy at work building a dam with which he says he will control the fate of the Smurfs by cutting off the flow the water. He tells Azrael that when they run out of water, they will come to his dam looking for more water and that is when he will open up the gates and wash them all away.
Soon, the heat is starting to exhaust Papa Smurf, so he decides that he's going to join Lazy in taking a little nap. He closes up his book and places his magnifying glass on the table before going into his house to rest on his bed. However, the magnifying glass focuses the sun's rays to start burning a spot onto the table until eventually the whole top of the table catches on fire. Lazy smells smoke and realizes he's in a dangerous spot, so he crawls out and yells fire, catching the attention of Papa Smurf and all the other Smurfs. Quickly, a Smurf brings a bucket of water to the table to put out the fire, making all the Smurfs cheer.
Soon afterward, Papa Smurf gathers all his little Smurfs together to tell them how this fire was an indication of their unpreparedness, since this sort of thing could happen to any of the Smurfs while they are asleep at night. He then encourages them all to come up with a solution that could benefit the entire Smurf community when it comes to fighting fires. The Smurf that comes up with the best solution will be rewarded with an extra serving of smurfberry pudding every day for a month.
This encourages the Smurfs to start work on their solutions for fighting fires. Greedy designs an extinguisher that squirts out whipped cream, Harmony creates an extinguisher using various types of instruments, Jokey simply has big gift boxes that release water over every Smurf's house, and Hefty has an elaborate water bucket catapult system. Brainy comes along to each of the Smurfs to offer his advice and criticism on their various methods but ends up falling victim to each of them except for Hefty's, whose victim turned out to be Poet Smurf. However, Handy has walled himself off from the rest of the Smurfs, working on his solution in secrecy, and has excluded Brainy from even entering to see what it is. The work continues well into the night, as does Gargamel's work on the dam, yelling to the Smurfs that it won't be long.
The following day, Greedy is counting up all the smurfberry puddings he has made and even eats a few, which makes Smurfette upset until Greedy says that Grouchy hates pudding... a comment that Smurfette refutes by saying Grouchy only says that. But then she hears the announcement for the choosing of the winner will be happening soon, and so Greedy leaves his kitchen to join Smurfette and the others. However, he leaves his baking towel on the door of his oven, which is left open, causing the towel to be set on fire. The Smurfs gather around Handy's walled-off workspace, waiting for the village builder to reveal what he has invented. Soon he hauls out what appears to be a fire engine, and the Smurfs are so amazed that Papa Smurf automatically declares him the winner.
But at that instant, Lazy calls out that there's a fire in Greedy's kitchen, and Handy immediately puts his fire engine to the test as some of the Smurfs run a hose into the village well and some other Smurfs man the other hose to spray it at the fire. However, the Smurfs find out that there's no water in the well, which means that there's no water to extinguish the fire. Papa Smurf tells his little Smurfs to take the fire engine up to the river, but when they reach the river, they see that it's all dried up, meaning that they don't have any water. Smurfette says they should take it up to the dam and get water from there. Meanwhile, Gargamel is doing a merry dance on his own constructed dam, happy that the Smurf River is now dry and eager to see the Smurfs come to get their water from it.
At the Smurf Village Dam, the Smurfs are so disappointed to see very little water to draw from, which makes Papa Smurf wonder where all the water disappeared to. As the Smurfs left in the village watch helplessly as the fire spreads from house to house, Papa Smurf goes upriver to find out the cause of the river being dry when he hears Gargamel and sees that he has constructed a dam with which he hopes to choke out the Smurfs for lack of water. However, Gargamel does not see that the dam is now starting to have leaks in it until eventually the whole dam collapses, causing the water to suddenly rush out from under him when the dam collapses under his feet.
The Smurfs in the village are happy to see that Handy's fire brigade team has drawn water from the dam so they could start putting out the fires, but they barely got finished hosing down one house when the water supply is all used up. Soon, however, the water released from the broken dam overflows and floods into the village, giving the Smurfs enough water to finish the job. Papa Smurf rides down the flow of water on a log until he reaches the village. Soon after all the water has been dried up, Papa Smurf commends Handy for his new invention and has appointed him the first captain of the Smurf Village Fire Brigade. He adds to that that not only will Handy get an extra serving of pudding for a month, but so will everyone in the village, which makes every Smurf cheer except for Grouchy, who simply says, "I... I won't say it".
- Although seen early in the episode "Sir Hefty", this episode shows the origin of Handy's fire engine and the Smurf Fire Brigade. So it's probably considered the prequel of the Sir Hefty events, or it's simply a continuity error.
- This is the first episode to use the background music track when Gargamel builds a dam which will control the fate of the smurfs, it will be later used in other Season 3 episodes like "Hefty's Heart", "The Tear of a Smurf", "A Hovel is Not a Home" and "The Winged Wizard", it was later used again in "Fire-Fighting Smurfs" when Gargamel and Scruple capture the Smurfs