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"The Smurf Odyssey" is a Season 9 episode from the 1980s Smurfs cartoon show.



Sassette and some others help a young boy on his quest to become a god.

Plot Summary[]


The Smurfs meet the king of the Olympian gods.

The time whirlwind drops the Smurfs into another time and place, this time with them wearing Grecian-style clothing. As the Smurfs begin to wonder when and where they are, Sassette notices a temple on the top of a high mountain and wonders who lives there when a loud booming voice says, "COME HERE AT ONCE!". Grandpa Smurf assumes that the voice is telling them to come, but as the Smurfs approach the temple, they realize that the voice wasn't calling for them, but rather for a young boy that the owner of the voice is chasing after.

The boy is rather resistant to whatever his father wants with him, and the mother wants her husband to leave him alone. He mounts on a statue of a pegasus that suddenly comes to life and starts flying off, but the father takes in a deep breath, causing the boy and his pegasus to lose control until he falls to the ground with his mother tending to him. The father then sees the Smurfs running around Mount Olympus and, thinking that they're rats, picks Sassette up to examine her. Sassette boldly tells the father who addresses himself as Zeus that they're Smurfs, and that if he's truly all-knowing, he should know better than to pick on a kid... a sentiment that his wife Hera agrees with.

After Papa Smurf explains his predicament with the king of the gods, Zeus says that he has a problem of his own. His son Hermes is now of an age where he must embark on a quest to prove himself worthy of taking his place among the gods, which is something that Hermes just doesn't want to go on. Sassette tries to comfort the young boy by saying that the Smurfs will go on the quest with him. Zeus forbids the idea, saying that a god must quest alone, but Hera points out that a god cannot quest with another god, and the Smurfs, being mortals, do not qualify as gods. Papa Smurf also objects by saying that they have their own quest of arranging the crystals in their proper order so they can get home. Hera tells Papa Smurf that if the Smurfs help Hermes on his quest, her husband will reward them by arranging the crystals in the proper order.

With Zeus agreeing that he will do this for the Smurfs, Sassette asks Hermes what they are questing for. Hermes answers that it's a "dumb old piece of wool", a comment that Zeus strongly objects to as he says that it's the Golden Fleece that hangs on a tree at the end of the world. While the Smurfs look in awe at the image of the Golden Fleece in the waters of the fountain, Hermes says he doesn't know where to begin his quest. Zeus shows Hermes the image of a boat that he says won't be big enough to take all his little friends along with him, so the king of the gods separates the Smurfs into two groups -- one that will go with Hermes and one that will stay in Mount Olympus. Though the Smurfs don't like the arrangement, Zeus declares that his word is final. And after the gods say their goodbyes and Hera has some final words to say to her young boy, Zeus sends Hermes, Pegasus, and some of the Smurfs on their way.

Upon landing on the boat already sailing in the waters, Hermes asks what they will do, and Brainy answers by directing his attention to the rocks that they're approaching. A voice from the ship tells Hermes to get it together and grab hold of the tiller. The young boy sees the figure of a woman sitting at the rear of the ship, introducing herself as Sylvia the spirit guide. He grabs hold of the tiller to steady the boat, but he has trouble trying to get it under control as it waggles him around. With some encouragement from Sylvia, Hermes finally brings the boat under control, and he and the Smurfs cheer.

Sassette asks Sylvia what a ship's spirit guide does, and Sylvia answers that her job is to help guide Hermes to the land of the Golden Fleece, which she says won't be easy because there will be battles that the boy will have to take care on his own. The first battle is with a six-headed hydra that soon comes their way to snap its six jaws as the passengers on board Hermes' ship. As some of the Smurfs take cover along with Hermes, Grandpa Smurf and Vanity try fending off some of the heads. Wild sees a third head ready to have a Smoogle snack and swings down from the top of the mast to rescue him, leaving that hydra head in need of some dental work.

Soon, the ship is heading for a narrow strait with the hydra still chasing after them. Sassette sees Smoogle bouncing around like a ball, which gives her an idea. She has Wild used the mast to launch Smoogle into the narrow channel to act as a bouncing pinball to tie up the heads of the hydra until the whole creature collapses. The Smurfs cheer as they have defeated the hydra, but then Sassette wonders where Hermes is until she sees him cowering under a seat in the back of the boat. In Mount Olympus, Zeus sees that his son has failed to courageously deal with the problem himself.

Back on the boat, Hermes comes out from his hiding place and sees that Sassette has dealt with the hydra problem herself. He asks her if she was scared, which she said she was until she saw her friends threatened. Hermes feels that he just wasn't cut out to be a god, but then he sees that Pegasus has been injured by the hydra. Grandpa Smurf gives the horse a brief examination and sees that nothing is broken, but she won't be doing any flying for a while. Hermes feels so ashamed that he wants to go back, but Sassette says he can't go back because that means he won't be a god, and Grandpa adds to that that Zeus won't assemble the crystals to send the Smurfs home. Hermes still feels doubtful that he can do it, but Sassette tries to encourage him by saying that everyone on board is scared, but he shouldn't let that stop him from trying. The young boy feels inspired enough to continue on his quest, much to Brainy's disappointment.

Soon, the ship reaches the island where Sylvia says they can find the magic shield, which is the home of the Cyclops, a creature that makes Brainy fearful even describing it to his friend Clumsy. As they walk through the island after disembarking, Sassette notices how somebody did a great job watering the flowers. Wild then sees what Brainy thinks it's the magic shield, which makes Grandpa Smurf ponder where he has seen this somewhere before. But before Hermes or the Smurfs go could anywhere with the shield, they hear loud pounding footsteps and see the Cyclops coming out of his cave, looking for something. It turns out that the "magic shield" is actually his eyepiece, which he finds in his bowl on the table and places over his eye. When the Cyclops sees the Smurfs cowering inside his bowl, he quickly becomes fearful and jumps onto a tree branch to escape them, only for it to break off.

Sassette sees that the Cyclops is more afraid of the Smurfs than they are of him. Even worse is that he says he doesn't like that everybody thinks that he's such a meanie, which is why he doesn't have any friends. Sassette says that they will offer to be his friends, which makes the Cyclops so grateful that he lets them call him Loomis. Grandpa Smurf cuts this happy moment short by asking where they could find the magic shield, and Loomis says he saw something like it in Dragon's Tooth Canyon, a place that makes both Brainy and Hermes rather fearful.

Soon, they reach the foreboding-looking canyon, and in it, Grandpa Smurf sees the magic shield up ahead. Brainy tells Hermes to go ahead and get the shield, but Hermes is still too fearful to do it by himself. Sassette offers to get the shield for Hermes, which makes him realize he can't let her go in there alone, and soon the other Smurfs also follow the young boy into the canyon. Hermes wonders what's so special about the shield, and as if to answer, the shield suddenly turns into a mirror, which Vanity notices as he sees his reflection in it. Grandpa Smurf tells the boy to get the shield, but as he grabs it, some stalactites that look like dragon's teeth fall to the ground and turn into skeletal warriors, one of which ignites a flame that surrounds the entire quest party with a ring of fire.

Hermes sees that Pegasus is afraid of fire as she runs around like crazy, and so he hops onto her back and fly over the ring of fire to escape. Zeus watches the whole scene from Mount Olympus, again expressing disappointment in his son. The Smurfs try their best to hold off the skeletal army, but even with only Grandpa Smurf and Wild Smurf as capable fighters, they can't keep the warriors from putting themselves back together. Then a wind blows into the canyon that extinguishes the ring of fire around the Smurfs. It is Loomis, whom Hermes has called upon to help him and his friends in their time of need. The Cyclops picks up a boulder and decides to do a little bowling with the skeletal army, wiping them out with a single strike. The Smurfs are glad to see that Hermes hasn't forgotten about them, and Zeus and Papa Smurf both watch proudly how the boy is now growing on his quest.

Soon, Hermes and the Smurfs make their goodbyes to Loomis as he sees them off to their next destination: Gorgon Island. Upon their arrival, Sassette sees that the island gives her the creeps. But Grandpa Smurf sees the very thing they were after: the Golden Fleece, hanging on a tree in the middle of a coliseum. Sassette says all Hermes has to do now is get the fleece, but Hermes says they still have to get past the Gorgon Sisters. Grandpa Smurf warns the party that if anyone looks into the eyes of the Gorgon Sisters, they will be turned to stone, which makes Hermes tell the others to stay behind the shield as he carries it.

They reach the coliseum without a problem, though now the Smurfs are having trouble trying to reach the fleece even with Pegasus' help. Things aren't helped by the fact that Grandpa's beard is tickling Clumsy's nose, which makes him sneeze while Smoogle manages to leap up and grab the fleece as the entire Smurf stack collapses. The collapse also causes the shield to be broken on the rocks, which means that they don't have any defense against the Gorgon Sisters. Grandpa Smurf tells the party that they should flee with the fleece, but nobody goes anywhere as the Smurfs and Pegasus see the sisters approaching, and as they look, they get turned into stone. They emerge from the ground with one of the sisters saying that her ugliness has caused her victims to turn to stone, which the other sister refutes by saying she couldn't be any uglier than she herself is.

As Hermes carefully shields his eyes and watches the two sisters argue over who is the ugliest, he realizes that he has to do something. Then he sees Vanity hiding behind the same rocks that he's using for cover and sees that his friend's mirror could be of some use. He takes the mirror and gives it to the two sisters to take a look at themselves while he averts his eyes. As they fight over which one will use the mirror, they both see their own reflections and get turned into stone, which at the same moment restores the petrified Smurfs and Pegasus to normal.

Hermes is congratulated by his entire quest party now that he has succeeded in his quest, and soon he is also congratulated by the gods themselves, as Zeus proclaims that Hermes has demonstrated the godly qualities of courage, loyalty, and wisdom. The boy's helmet is then changed to a golden wreath as Zeus announces that this day his son is now a god. Hermes is grateful for this moment, for he says he couldn't have done it without his friends. Zeus rewards the Smurfs by arranging the crystals in the proper order, and as the Smurfs are transported out of Mount Olympus, Papa Smurf announces that they are now going home. Unfortunately, a hard wind blows and disassembles the crystals, causing them to be scattered, and with it any possible hope that they will make it home. Brainy simply says that they are the ones who just got fleeced.


  • The title of the episode is based on that of Homer's The Odyssey.
  • Brainy is shown to have knowledge on what a cyclops is.
  • Jokey, Lazy, and Baby do not appear in this episode.


  • When Zeus sends the Smurfs off to their different teams, there is what appears to be Clumsy standing next to Brainy, but he has Hefty's tattoo.