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The Smurfs And The Booglooboo (Original French title Les Schtroumpfs et le Bougloubou) is a French-language comic book collection of stories that was a part of the comic series published by Dupuis in 2001. The book contains seven stories.


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The Smurfs And The Booglooboo[]

It is night, and the Smurfs are all going to bed. Dopey Smurf runs yelling that he has seen a monster, but no one believes him. A few moments later, a giant bird whose call is "Booglooboo" comes and destroys Papa Smurf's roof by accident. Papa Smurf assures them that it is an exotic bird migrating south for the winter and it will not come back. Smurfette realizes that if it is going south, it is heading towards Gargamel's home.

Early next morning, a drowsy Gargamel is awoken by the Booglooboo's cry, and comes out to find it on his chiminey. He shoos it away, but it just comes back and builds a nest. Gargamel tries to chase it away again, but it chases him into the woods, and he later comes back and hides until it leaves. He then climbs up to the roof to destroy the nest, but find an egg inside, which hatches into a "Boogloobee". The mother comes back and chases Gargamel from the nest again, then feeds her baby a snake, which repulses Gargamel.

Later, Smurfette and Brainy Smurf try to find the Booglooboo and see it at Gargamel's house, just as he plans to get rid of the Boogloobee in hopes that with the baby gone, the mother will go away. He throws the baby off a mountain and into a river, but Brainy and Smurfette see his ploy and save the baby. The baby saves Smurfette from a snake, and Smurfette suggests keeping him, but Brainy says they must take him back.

Meanwhile, Gargamel, thinks his plan has worked. The Booglooboo mother is weeping over the loss of the baby, but then sees Gargamel and adopts him as a replacement for the Boogloobee. Gargamel is not happy, but then the chick flies up to his mother, having been brought back, and the birds depart. The Smurfs stand at the bottom of the ladder, waving, and Gargamel grabs them. The baby hears their cries for help, and goes back to attack Gargamel, and his mother follows, picking him up and dropping him in a nest of angry eagles on a mountain. He escapes from the eagles and goes home to go to bed. Gargamel is happy that the birds are gone and he can now sleep after his bad day, but then he hears Booglooboo cries outside and freaks out, but it is actually the Smurfs, who have a host of bird whistles that mimic the Booglooboo.

Olaf The Little Viking[]

To be filled in.

Mama Smurf[]

To be filled in.

The Guinea Pig Race[]

To be filled in.

The Smurfs And The Little Ghosts[]

Gargamel and Azrael search for the ruins of an abbey, only to find they are haunted by little ghosts. Gargamel and Azrael scare the little ghosts off by dressing as big ghosts. Eventually, the little ghosts stumble upon Smurf Village where they enlist the help of the Smurfs to scare away Gargamel and regain their home.

Gargamel And The Crocodile[]

A merchant from the East arrives at Gargamel’s castle, promoting some goods to Gargamel. Of all of the merchant’s goods, Gargamel is interested in an egg, but just as he selects the egg, it suddenly cracks open and a baby crocodile appears. Gargamel never came across crocodiles before, so it makes Gargamel very surprised and scared. He buys it and brings it inside his castle, putting it into a tub of water. He tries to feed it, but it bites his figures instead.

Two days later, when Gargamel reads one of his spell books, he finds out that the baby is actually a crocodile, with the book telling him its skin can be used as a potion for catching Smurfs. Gargamel decides to raise the crocodile for that purpose.

Many days later, the crocodile is already very big in size. One day, when Gargamel is refilling the water in the tub, it escapes from Gargamel’s castle. Gargamel tries to chase after it, but it has already gone back to the river where it belongs. Gargamel walks along the shore to find where the crocodile has gone. Meanwhile, strange things start to happen around the river, including fishes that disappear mysteriously and a shepherd’s goat being eaten. A fisherman and a shepherd decide to report to the lord about these strange things.

At the same moment, the Smurfs are at a beach near the river, playing and relaxing. Two Smurfs are playing ball when the ball is tossed too far away and lands on the crocodile’s back. A Smurf goes to get it and thinks that the crocodile's back is a tree stump. The crocodile spots the Smurf when he steps on it and chases him to the shore. The crocodile finds the other Smurfs and heads towards the shore. It nearly bites Smurfette who is near the river at the moment, but luckily Hefty Smurf uses an umbrella to attack the crocodile, allowing Smurfette to escape. The crocodile leaves finally and the Smurfs go back to the village.

Later, the crocodile is taking a rest when Gargamel uses a rope to tie it up. The crocodile struggles and they fight with each other. Meanwhile, the fisherman and the shepherd have called a knight from the lord and they arrive at the place where Gargamel finds the crocodile. The knight and Gargamel defeat the crocodile and bring it back to the lord’s castle.

In the castle, the lord has never seen a crocodile before; he thinks that it is a beast or a dragon. Gargamel explains that the crocodile belongs to him, but the lord is annoyed and does not listen to Gargamel. He even orders his men to throw both the crocodile and Gargamel into the moat outside the castle. Gargamel is thrown into the moat with the crocodile and is soon after chased by it, while the guards of the castle laugh at him.

Gargamel's Nephews[]

When Gargamel's three nephews come for a visit, Gargamel decides to straighten them up for doing poorly at Sorcerer's school by taking them Smurf-hunting. While Gargamel runs around getting caught in his own traps, the nephews get lost and eventually take a nap. Brainy and three other Smurfs come across the sleeping nephews who soon wake up. At first, the boys are scared of the Smurfs, but the quickly realize that the Smurfs are not the fearsome creatures their uncle portrays them to be. After the boys save the four Smurfs from Azrael, the Smurfs decide to bring the boys back to Smurf Village to meet Papa Smurf. To save the boys from being punished for not catching any Smurfs, Papa Smurf gives them a small casket that contains a fake map to the village. The boys are blindfolded and returned toGargamel's castle, where they give the casket to their uncle. Gargamel sets off to find the village as the boys say their good-byes to the Smurfs. Gargamel finds the destination shown on the map, only to discover it pointed to a lynx den.

Publication and other media[]

  • The main story appeared in the 2012 Free Comic Book Day Papercutz comic alongside storys from other graphic novels published by the company, including Disney FairiesDance Class, and Ernest and Rebecca.
  • The main story also appeared in the Papercutz version of "The Smurflings"
  • Papercutz published "The Smurfs And The Little Ghosts" as a backup story in the The Smurfs Halloween 2 and The Smurflings.
  • "Gargamel And The Crocodile" has been published in the Papercutz English edition of "Smurf Soup".
  • "Gargamel's Nephew" was published by Papercuts in the graphic novel "The Strange Awakening of Lazy Smurf".
  • "Gargamel's Nephew" is to be published in the upcoming Papercuts anthology "The Smurfs And Friends Volume 2" in 2017.