(the episode opens with the camera panning through the forest. The Smurfs are doing work on the Smurf river bridge. Brainy is walking through the forest, and two Smurfs carrying a log walk past him. Brainy then walks past Handy, who is hitting a wooden post with a wooden hammer.)
Brainy: Good work, Handy.
(Grouchy is carrying a cart full of logs, and Brainy sees him while standing on a cliff)
Brainy: Let's pick up the pace a bit, Grouchy! You're smurfing behind!
Grouchy: I hate Brainy.
(Hefty is on top of a tree, sawing a tree branch)
Brainy: Hefty Smurf, stop, you'll break your smurf! (puts a ladder against the tree branch) Wait! I'm coming up! (he climbs up the ladder) I see you haven't heard the wise old saying about the Smurf sitting on the wrong side of the branch. Think before you smurf. What's going to happen when that branch smurfs off? Saw from the other side, see?
(Hefty moves to the other side of the tree branch)
Hefty: You mean like this?
Brainy: Right. Now you can go on sawing smurf and sound. Aren't you lucky I was smurfing by?
Hefty: I sure was, Brainy. (continues sawing the tree branch)
Brainy: Well, I hope this will teach you to be more- (he falls of the tree branch since he was standing on the wrong side) careful! (he lands on the ground)
Vanity: Hey, who's disturbing my beauty sleep?
Greedy: What's all the noise?
Grouchy: I hate noise.
Harmony: No, it wasn't my trumpet!
Smurfette: Oh dear, is every Smurf alright?
Brainy: Papa Smurf says a noise in the night upsets your balance for the next day, and-
Papa Smurf: What's all this racket? Has anything happened to any Smurf?
Lazy: Me, Papa Smurf! It went, "Flap, flap!", and then it went "Bwoom!", and I saw a huge shadow, and it smurfed out a loud, "Howli-howl!".
Papa Smurf: A loud "Howli-howl"? Hmm.
Hefty: Papa Smurf! Papa Smurf! The storehouse is wrecked, and all the food has been smurfed!
Papa Smurf: The storehouse?
Smurfette: Oh, who could've smurfed such a thing?
Brainy: Papa Smurf, come look at this!
Papa Smurf: Bird tracks.
Lazy: That bird must be a real monster.
Hefty: So a giant bird ate all our food.
Greedy: All those chestnuts and corn and sarsaparilla. And all that yummy honey.
Papa Smurf: My smurfs, I just hope it hasn't destroyed the bridge. We wouldn't be able to cross the river and get more food. All of you... Come with me to check the bridge.
Grouchy: I HATE checking bridges!
Papa Smurf: Well, it seems to be smurf and sound.
Greedy: Then, we better get some more food. Right, Papa Smurf?
Howlibird: [screeches] Howli-howli-howl!
Brainy: Yipe! The monster bird!
Papa Smurf: But where did it come from?
Grouchy: I HATE monster birds!
Smurfette: Look out! Here it comes again!
Howlibird: Howli-howli-howl! [screeches] Howli-howl!
Papa Smurf: It's smurfing our bridge!
Smurfs: [all clamoring]
Grouchy Smurf: I HATE falling!
Howlibird: Howli-howli-howl!
Papa Smurf: Every Smurf, back to the village!
[Howlibird releases nail and logs came tumbling down]
Papa Smurf: Look out!
Smurfs: [all screaming]
Howlibird: [screeches] Howli-howl!
Papa Smurf: This way! I know a hiding place.
Howlibird: Howli-howli-howl!
Hefty Smurf: Ooh, come on, you big featherheaded...
Howlibird: Howli-howli-howl!
Grouchy: I HATE darkness!
Howlibird: [screeches]
Smurfette: Oh, this is so scary. What are we gonna do, Papa Smurf?
Papa Smurf: We'll help with that birdbrain yet. Follow me.
Howlibird: Howli-howl?
Brainy: You're so smart, Papa Smurf. I never worry when you're around.
Jokey: Howli-howli-howl!
Brainy: He-e-lp!
Jokey: [laughing]