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"The Star Smurf" is the twenty-sixth episode of Season 2 of the CGI TV series, The Smurfs.



When nobody wants to listen to Harmony's dreadful music, Papa Smurf gives him a potion to charm his audience.


It is a peaceful morning in Smurf Village as Farmer carries his vegetables on a wheelbarrow - only for all of them to go rotten when he hears Harmony's trumpet. Farmer throws a now rotten blueberry at Harmony in anger. Bothered by Farmer, Harmony blows louder, shaking the village, making several Smurfs run into their houses, breaking Brainy's smurfway, and causes Handy to fall out of his workshop with the handle he was holding outside of it. This outrages Handy and he responds by giving Harmony a jetpack that flies him out of the workshop and into the water.

Harmony gets out of the water and sees a few of other Smurfs at a table eating breakfast, walking up to them and seeing them as a "captive audience". However, the second they see Harmony, they all hide under the table - but Dimwitty doesn't and ends up getting blasted by Harmony's music, leaving him without good hearing. The Smurfs then start arguing with Harmony about if his music is good or not, but Dimwitty (who now doesn't have good hearing) says it's a good song. Harmony then begins to play until the Smurfs steal it and pass it onto the other until it comes to Papa Smurf. Papa Smurf sorts out the problem, saying Harmony shouldn't play the trumpet now, or ever again, as the other Smurfs add. Harmony is insulted by this and decides to leave the village.

As Harmony leaves, Dimwitty offers him a carrot for his adventure. Just then, Papa Smurf wants to show Harmony a pill and potion that could potentially make the Smurfs love his music. Harmony gets overexcited at this and dumps the entire dose in. He begins playing and Papa Smurf loves the music, though Dimwitty can't hear anything but a "long solo". Harmony is ecstatic at this amazing pill and potion and plays more music, capturing the attention of his fellow Smurfs.

The music-loving Smurfs have Harmony put on a concert, but when Harmony is tired of playing, the Smurfs berate him until he says he will compose his greatest music number ever, which soothes the complaints of the other Smurfs.

The Smurfs wait for autographs nearby as Harmony is in his house, trying to write this great composition. However, the other Smurfs ask for autographs, which he does not mind at first until he has to sign a dozen at a time, followed by Painter asking for a selfie until Harmony throws his picture at his face.

Dimwitty is now in Harmony's house, saying that he loves the ongoing long note (as a result of going temporarily deaf). Harmony notices that Dimwitty is much calmer than the others and appoints him the leader of Harmony's fan club so whoever wants to see Harmony, Dimwitty will tell them he'll see them later. His first fan obsessive Jokey shows up, wanting to gift Harmony, but Dimwitty says Jokey cannot see him yet and closes the door in his face but takes the present. Dimwitty opens it and out comes the music-shaped explosion.

Once again as Harmony begins to play, the wonderful music makes the Smurfs jump out of their houses and go near Harmony's, some Smurfs even begin to emerge from the chimney, the back door, and even the ceiling. Harmony and Dimwitty take cover in the closet, where Harmony dresses as a girl and claims that Harmony is waiting for them outside the village stage. The two Smurfs now run away as the Smurfs run out of Harmony's house.

Harmony and Dimwitty then arrive at the forest, where there are no pesky Smurfs in the way, giving time for Harmony to play and Dimwitty to "listen". Unfortunately, the music is cut short as it captures the attention of Gargamel and Azrael, who immediately arrive to the two Smurfs. Dimwitty then defends Harmony when Gargamel asks for an autograph, which in turn causes Gargamel and Azrael to run after the scared Harmony.

Back in the village, the Smurfs panic and search for Harmony, with Papa Smurf sending Hefty and Brainy to find him, telling them to hurry up as well.

After unsuccessfully chasing Harmony, Gargamel takes the Smurf for himself while Dimwitty watches in shock. Hefty and Brainy arrive at the forest, where they then trip over Dimwitty, who explains that he's been captured by Gargamel. Brainy and Hefty run to Gargamel's hovel, though they leave Dimwitty, who warns them Harmony takes no autographs at the moment.

In Gargamel's hovel, the tired Harmony continues to sooth the evil duo's ears until Brainy and Hefty arrive. The two Smurfs get into an argument with Gargamel about who gets to keep Harmony, but none of them notice Harmony left and they then notice he is gone.

Harmony is upset by the river, seeing that it's hard having an audience now. Dimwitty arrives and tells Harmony he should consider a "sabbatical". The sad moment is interrupted, however, when Gargamel arrives on the scene to take Harmony for himself. Harmony gives up and blows his trumpet so hard, the pill comes out and it enters Azrael's throat. Azrael begins singing lovely while Gargamel dances around with him. Harmony takes his three other Smurfs back to the village.

At the village stage, Harmony delivers the concert they anticipated - except it's not as good as they thought. The Smurfs break from the spell, while at the same time Dimwitty's hearing comes back. As the Smurfs are annoyed and run to the stage, Dimwitty then offers blueberries to Papa Smurf, who thanks Dimwitty, dumps the blueberries out and uses the bowls to cover his ears, finding this as the best way not to hear Harmony.



  • When Harmony and Dimwitty arrive in the forest after leaving the village with Harmony dressed as a girl, Harmony takes the dress off. However, his normal Smurf pants can be seen, which wouldn't be possible as Harmony took his pants off offscreen.
    • In addition, when Harmony and Dimwitty leave the house, Harmony's heels are blue.