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"The Stuff Dreams Are Smurfed Of" is a Season 2 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.



When everyone has nightmares, the Smurfs team up with Gargamel to find the Crown of dreams, but Gargamel betrays them and uses the crown against them.

Plot Summary[]

Vicious Flowers

In Smurfette's nightmares, the flowers pick her!

On a nice bright sunny day in the Smurf Village, Smurfette goes out into her garden to pick a flower, only for the flower to turn into a vicious giant Smurf-eating blossom that makes her run until she gets captured by an identical plant. Then the whole thing turns out to be a dream that Smurfette had, which was really scary. Meanwhile, Handy was finished working on one of his inventions when he throws the switch, and soon he finds himself carried by a treadmill toward the snapping jaws of his invention, unable to escape... until he wakes up and realizes that it was all a dream.

They both go to see Papa Smurf, with Smurfette knocking on his door until he opens, and she knocks on his face. Papa Smurf wonders what is wrong, and they both say that they had terrible nightmares. Papa Smurf assures them that no matter how terrible their dreams are, they are still just dreams, and tells them to go back to bed so that he can get a good night's sleep.

Papa Smurf goes back to bed and closes his eyes to sleep, but soon he hears his little Smurfs' cries for help. He goes outside and sees that Gargamel has found his way to the village and has captured the other Smurfs. He tells his little Smurfs that with his new potion, he will make Gargamel disappear forever. He sprays the potion on the evil wizard, but instead of making him disappear, it duplicates him. Papa Smurf thinks he needs to use a double dose, and so he does, only to duplicate his problem even more. The four Gargamels now taunt Papa Smurf, saying that he is too old and weak, and laugh as they poke and prod him... but it turns out that it was just his little Smurfs trying to awaken him as he himself has been caught in a nightmare.

He sees that more of his little Smurfs now can't get any sleep due to nightmares, and suspects that some magic spell must be cast upon them. With Gargamel being the likely suspect to give the Smurfs nightmares, Papa Smurf tells his little Smurfs that they should go to Gargamel's hovel or else they'll never get a good night's sleep.

Giant Papa Smurf

Who's your papa now, Gargamel?

Out in the forest, Gargamel has laid out a trap of smurfberries so that the Smurfs will be too distracted eating them to notice the evil wizard ready to swoop a net over them. Then Gargamel hears the Smurfs coming and tells Azrael to hide as he too hides himself in wait for the Smurfs to come. He hears them finding the smurfberries and eating them, but as he pounces from behind the bush to capture them, he sees that the Smurfs are now bigger than he is. Gargamel fearfully runs for his life but is soon captured by a giant Papa Smurf who is pleased to have the wizard right where he wanted him all along.

Then, Gargamel hears Papa Smurf calling his name, and he finds out that he was having a nightmare, and that the Smurfs are in his hovel paying him a visit. Papa Smurf apologizes for startling Gargamel and then says there's something they need to discuss. Gargamel assumes that it's the Smurfs who were causing him to have nightmares, and the Smurfs assume that it was Gargamel. They argue over who's responsible until Papa Smurf interrupts, saying that someone or something must be responsible for both their nightmares and that they must cooperate in order to find out what. Gargamel isn't sure about working together with the Smurfs, but then he realizes it may be the only way for him to get a decent good night's sleep and so he swears a Wizard's Oath while crossing his fingers behind his back.

Soon, Papa Smurf and Gargamel are brewing something together in a cauldron in order to reveal what may be causing the nightmares. With the incantation complete, they both see a vision of a mountain which Gargamel recognizes as Skull Mountain, and on that mountain Papa Smurf sees the cause of their nightmares which he himself recognizes: the fabled Crown Of Dreams. This crown, Papa Smurf says, has the power to make dreams and nightmares a reality, and so the Smurfs follow Papa Smurf as he heads out of Gargamel's hovel to get to Skull Mountain. Gargamel decides that he's going to tag along, if only to get his hands on the Crown Of Dreams before the Smurfs do anything with it.

As the Smurfs make their ascent on Skull Mountain, Lazy says that he's tired, but Papa Smurf tells him it's no time to rest. Then Smurfette directs Papa Smurf's attention to the crown she sees, and Papa Smurf notices that it's been uncovered, so they need to bury it back into the earth. But Gargamel quickly races to the crown and puts it on his head, saying to the Smurfs that he's going to make their lives a living nightmare. Papa Smurf then tells his little Smurfs to flee, but Gargamel tells them that eventually they'll fall asleep, and soon their worst dreams... and his fondest dreams... will come true, as he laughs.

Resting in his rocking chair at home with the Crown Of Dreams on his head, Gargamel tests out the crown and sees that he is able to put his own cat Azrael into a cage just by dreaming it. He says that soon the Smurfs will fall asleep, and when they do, he will have them right where he wants them.

Back in the village, the Smurfs are busy pinching each other's tails in order to keep themselves from falling asleep, while Papa Smurf is trying to create a stay-awake potion. But soon Lazy falls asleep, and when he does, he vanishes from the village and appears in Gargamel's cage. The evil wizard is pleased to see the crown working in his favor to capture Smurfs, and then decides that now is the perfect time to get some rest himself.

Papa Smurf tells his little Smurfs that the only way they can help Lazy now is to get the Crown Of Dreams off Gargamel's head, so he bravely takes the Smurfs with him to Gargamel's castle while both he and they try to stay awake. They enter without making a single noise, then Papa Smurf has Smurfette, Grouchy, and Jokey take care of freeing Lazy from the cage while Papa Smurf leads the others in getting the crown. As the two groups work on separate goals, Azrael almost wakes up, and Hefty ends up getting tired and falling asleep, which causes Papa Smurf's team to lose their grip on the crown as Hefty now appears in the cage with Lazy.

Gargamel and Azrael are soon awakened and see the Smurfs in their lair as they now flee for their lives. But Gargamel tells them that he not only has control of their nightmares, but he also has control of their dreams, and soon a vicious plant similar to the one in Smurfette's nightmare chases her along with Azrael, who soon relents when he sees the plant. Papa Smurf tells her that what's chasing her is still just a dream. Smurfette stops running and tells the plant that it's just a dream, and it vanishes, making her feel relieved.

Papa Smurf then tells Gargamel to hand over the crown, but Gargamel refuses, saying that it's time to find out how Papa Smurf handles being in a nightmare. Then Azrael falls off the perch he was clinging onto and knocks the crown off Gargamel's head, landing on the floor where Papa Smurf gets a hold of it. Soon a giant Smurf appears and chases Gargamel out into the forest. The Smurfs wonder what happened to Gargamel, and all Papa Smurf could say is that he had one dream too many.


  • Gargamel's nightmare of the giant Smurfs, and the ending where he gets chased off by a giant Smurf, who's summoned by the Crown Of Dreams, is similar to the Gargamel's nightmare at the beginning of the season 7 episode "Sleepless Smurfs", where he meets Papa Smurf outside his house, who was bigger than his Smurf size a bit in the former's nightmare.
  • The title is derived from a quote talking about dreams, the most famous modern use of the phrase responsible for much of its popularity was at the end of The Maltese Falcon where the lead hardboiled detective paraphrased a much older expression dating back to William Shakespeare in regard to the titular falcon statue which turns out not to be of great value.


Papa Smurfs with Blue Eyes

Papa Smurf with blue eyes


The second Gargamel clone disappears briefly after Papa Smurf cloned him again

  • In Papa Smurf's nightmare, the kidnapped Smurfs Gargamel was holding disappeared after he was cloned by Papa Smurf's potion that supposed to make him disappear forever. And also, you can briefly see Papa Smurfs have blue eyes (with black eye pupils) instead of the white eyes most of the characters have, and the second Gargamel clone disappear briefly after Papa Smurf cloned him again, so it's only three Gargamel clones before turned back to four.
  • Approximately 8 minutes into the episode, when Papa Smurf fails to make a potion which would make the Smurfs stay awake, his trousers are white.

    Papa Smurf’s trousers being white

  • At the end of the episode, when Gargamel open the door to escape the castle, the giant Smurf, which is summoned by the Crown Of Dreams to chase him out, can somehow kick the door out without having the door broken, complete with the bricks coming out.

