"The Talented Justa Smurf" is the fifth episode of Season 2 of the CGI TV series, The Smurfs.
- Justa Smurf/Mimic Smurf
- Leaf
- Papa Smurf
- Gargamel
- Azrael
- Mummy
- Hefty Smurf
- Jokey Smurf
- Farmer Smurf
- Chef Smurf
- Greedy Smurf
- Clumsy Smurf
- Handy Smurf
- Brainy Smurf
- Grouchy Smurf
- Dimwitty Smurf
- Vanity Smurf
- Smurfette (Does not speak)
- Baby Smurf (Does not speak)
- Harmony Smurf (Does not speak)
- Drummer Smurf (Does not speak)
- Stork (Likeness; imitated by Leaf)
- Mother Nature (Mentioned only)
- Unnamed Smurfs
Justa Smurf tries to find a good personality to make him stand out from other Smurfs.
Near the end of the village, Papa Smurf paces, waiting for Leaf to get back. Leaf then appears through magic and explains to Papa Smurf that she had a run-in with a bear with a cavity. The two walks to where preparations are being made for the Spring Celebration, something that worries Leaf since she has not had one since Mother Nature retired. Papa Smurf tells her the Smurfs won't mind that she makes mistakes as "they are all like big children". The Smurfs go about their jobs around the location. Leaf is happy to see everyone with such positive energy... except Grouchy.
Papa Smurf and Leaf continue walking around and they run into Handy and Clumsy, the latter accidentally hitting the former's ladder and he loses balance. Leaf attempts to levitate Handy and his ladder with her powers that she has not gotten used to yet, so it flings Handy into the bushes. Nevertheless, Handy thanks her. Then, Papa Smurf and Leaf see a Smurf sitting on a rock looking down. Leaf greets him and wonders what his occupation is... thinking, daydreaming, sitting, but Papa Smurf tells her this Smurf is Justa and he hasn't found his "calling" yet. Leaf is sad about this and tells him he just has to express who he is. Papa Smurf tells him to go help Hefty, saying this will help his muscles.

Hefty found a new name for Justa... Fired Smurf!
Hefty prepares to hold the rock with Justa, but it turns out he is weaker than he had expected. Hefty tells him to carry the little rock, saying it wouldn't be hard, even for a wet noodle like him. Justa successfully puts the rock with the other rocks and puts his leg on it - causing all the rocks to fall on him. Hefty believes he has found a new name for Justa... Fired Smurf.
Justa walks away and imitates Hefty angrily. He goes back to Papa Smurf and explains Hefty "doesn't need him anymore". Chef tells Justa if he doesn't have anything to do, he can get some yellow mushrooms for him. Papa Smurf calls Justa "Forager" and Leaf laughs, giving him a grin.
While out in the Smurf Forest, Justa collects the yellow mushrooms, but he hears Gargamel's voice as he is talking to Mummy about his greatest invention ever. Mummy makes fun of him for this. Gargamel tries to explain, but she is distracted by his bad breath and goes to get her anti-bad breath broth and says he needs gallons. Gargamel smells his breath and says, "Bad breath yourself, you old hag". Mummy hears this and when she turns around, Gargamel pretends that he didn't say anything. Mummy asks if he had remembered to pick the mandrake, to which Gargamel tries to think of an excuse. Mummy yells at him for always thinking about the Smurfs. Justa laughs, but his moment of happiness causes him to pick blue mushrooms instead of the yellow ones. Gargamel tries to tell her that he created the ultimate weapon for catching Smurfs. He decides to demonstrate it - but accidentally gets stuck to his mom's butt. He tries to get it out, but it gets so overpowered that it flings his mom to a tree. Mummy is so mad that she chases Gargamel.

Justa's next job doesn't turn out well...
Back at the preparation place, Chef thanks "Forager" and tells him to put three mushrooms in the pot, but Justa instead dumps all of it - including the blue mushrooms - in while Chef isn't looking. When he taste tests what's inside the pot, he immediately spits it out and kicks Justa out of his cooking room. Justa walks away and sighs. Farmer sees him and notices him as the Smurf trying to find a personality. Farmer tells him that there is a singular important mission that he wants him to do: go get matches from his house to light the Fire of Joy for the festival.

At the evening, as Farmer gathers the logs, Justa yells to Farmer that he got the matches, but they get confiscated by Dimwitty, who swaps it for a carrot. Farmer is upset with Justa because he has not got what he asked for and calls him "Soft in the head". Leaf notices and feels bad for him. Justa angrily stands by the cooking room and imitates Farmer. Two Smurfs hear this and laugh, saying he's really funny, which cheers up Justa. Jokey hears this and believes he wants to make people laugh. He offers him his box and it explodes, annoying him but getting a laugh out of Jokey.
At night, Gargamel is out searching for Smurfs and finds them near another side of the forest.
Meanwhile, Justa sits and frowns as he concludes that he'll never be like the other Smurfs. Leaf shows up next to him as a spider and transforms back. She asks him why he wants to be like the other Smurfs and also tells him everyone is talented at something. Justa says this is not true, saying if he's bad at one thing, he's bad at everything. While demonstrating, he imitates Hefty, Chef, Farmer, Vanity, and Brainy. Leaf laughs at his imitations and realizes he is talented at mimicking people. Just then, they hear "Gargamel!" cries as everyone is running from Gargamel's new invention, which the wizard jokes about how it is "lethal", much to Azrael's annoyance. Gargamel continues sucking up the Smurfs with his weapon. Leaf and Justa watch the horror sight until Justa tells Leaf that he has a plan.
Papa Smurf hides Baby near the cooking room, but they are found by Gargamel. He is about to suck them up until he hears his mom's voice (which is actually Justa riding on Leaf, who has disguised as a stork and then as a bunny) and criticizes him about his hovel and himself. In Mummy's voice, he talks about how the hovel is "on fire". Gargamel ultimately believes this and runs back home - but it turns out he ran off a cliff. Azrael is stuck and when Justa pulls the lever, he is blasted elsewhere in the forest. All the Smurfs get released as Farmer realizes that Justa is more than "just a Smurf" and the Smurfs start chanting "Long live Justa!" to both Justa and Leaf's enjoyment.
During the festival, Papa Smurf thanks Justa for his courage, but struggles to find a name. Leaf thinks of the name "Mimic Smurf" because he has a talent for mimicry. Justa rewards himself by doing some voices for him like Vanity, Brainy, Hefty, and finishes Grouchy's sentence. The Smurfs are impressed and laugh.
- Justa Smurf sounds similar to a background Smurf whose voice is regularly heard in various episodes.
- This episode is similar to "Nobody Smurf" from the 1980s cartoon show while the character of Justa Smurf is similar to Actor Smurf from "All The Smurf's A Stage".
- When Leaf tries to figure out who Justa is, two of her guesses are "Thinker" and "Daydreamer". While Dreamy Smurf (who is called Dreamer) appears in this series, there was a Thinker Smurf in the 100 Smurfs Poster, who is currently absent from this present time.
- The place that the Smurfs hold the Spring Celebration is the same location the Blueberry Festival took place in "Kitchen Klutz".
- Justa imitates Vanity at the Spring Celebration and says he's got a pimple on his nose, a notable plot point that happened in "Leaping Lizards".
- Vanity's flower appears on both the left side and the right side of his hat.
- The first time Justa imitates Vanity, the closed captioning says he's imitating Smurfette.
The Talented Justa Smurf @TheSmurfsEnglish
English version