"The Tallest Smurf" is a Season 6 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.
- Slouchy Smurfling
- Gourdy
- Grandpa Smurf
- Nat Smurfling
- Snappy Smurfling
- Sassette Smurfling
- Farmer Smurf
- Papa Smurf
- Brainy Smurf
- Hefty Smurf
- Vanity Smurf
- Smurfette
- Two Gnomes
- Giant Ants
- Baby Smurf (Mentioned only)
- Unnamed Smurfs
When Slouchy finds out that he's the shortest of the Smurflings, he wishes to be the tallest Smurf, but Gourdy accidentally makes all the other Smurfs tiny instead of making Slouchy big.
Plot Summary[]
Grandpa Smurf takes the Smurflings out into the Smurf Forest by a place called the Measuring Tree, where he says that Smurfs have been measured for their height, and now it's their turn to be measured. Nat, Snappy, and Sassette are pretty eager to see how tall they are, but Slouchy is too distracted by a snapping plant to bother. Grandpa Smurf took the measurements of the three Smurflings and found that they are 25 smurfberries tall. Then he calls Slouchy over to the tree and takes his measurement and finds out that he is only 22 smurfberries tall, shorter than his fellow Smurflings. Snappy comments that except for Baby Smurf, Slouchy is the shortest Smurf of them all, which also makes Nat and Sassette laugh. Grandpa Smurf tries to console Slouchy by saying to be patient because he will eventually grow to the same height as everybody else. Nat mockingly says that Slouchy will... in about 100 years.
The Smurflings return to the village and find Papa Smurf about to go and pick smurfberries when he notices Slouchy looks a little down in the dumps. The other three Smurflings are willing to go with Papa Smurf, but when Snappy makes a comment about Slouchy bringing a ladder, the normally patient Smurf just calmly walks off. Papa Smurf wonders what's wrong with Slouchy, and the other three Smurflings mockingly say that he's just got "a short temper".
Meanwhile, out in Farmer's fields, Gourdy the genie is just dying to grant his master one single wish, but Farmer adamantly refuses, leaving the genie frustrated as to do what he can do to please him. Slouchy comes along and Farmer politely greets him by calling him a "little fellow", which Slouchy takes the wrong way and just walks off. Farmer looks at Slouchy and says that he wishes that he could make the young Smurfling happy. Gourdy takes it as an official wish from his master and decides to grant it.
Later on, as the Smurflings are asleep in their playhouse, Gourdy pays Slouchy a visit, telling him to keep it down and asking why Slouchy is so unhappy. The young Smurfling says that he just found out he's the shortest Smurf in the village except for Baby. Gourdy decides to fix that, and with a wave of his arms and a "cadodah casabah", he tells Slouchy that by tomorrow morning he will be the tallest Smurf in the village. As Slouchy goes back to sleep, thinking of what being the tallest Smurf will be like, Gourdy appears in Farmer's bedroom to tell his master that he has granted Slouchy his wish and asks if there's anything he wants him to do. Farmer tells Gourdy that he wants him to take a vacation, and Gourdy decides to do just that, going inside his gourd long enough to pack up his bags before kissing his master goodbye.
By morning, Slouchy feels Gourdy's spell taking effect and decides to go out by the Measuring Tree to find out how tall he's grown. On his way there he meets a couple of gnomes down on their luck and looking for some food to eat. Slouchy tells them that they could find food at the Smurf Village, but he is too eager to get to the Measuring Tree to bother showing them the way. At the Measuring Tree, though, he stands before his last measuring mark and finds out he's no taller than he was the day before, which makes him wonder how he could really be the tallest Smurf in the village.
Meanwhile, Papa Smurf yawns and wakes up to get out of his bed, only to fall off and find out that the bed is now bigger than him. Brainy wakes up and finds his glasses are now too big for his face. In fact, all of the Smurfs in the village find everything in it is bigger only because they themselves have gotten smaller, with Farmer now so small that he has to outrun an ordinary-sized lizard! The Smurfs all gather at the speaking mushroom, which Papa Smurf is too small to stand upon to get his little Smurfs' attention, where the village leader tries to tell them not to panic. But Grandpa Smurf gives them a reason to panic, as they see an ordinary-sized bird ready to eat the Smurfs like bugs. They all run into the anthills, with Hefty carrying Brainy because he couldn't see, thinking that they will be safe, but even the anthills are not safe as they see ants that are now bigger than they are.
After escaping from the anthills, Papa Smurf tries to figure out what to do when his little Smurfs see Slouchy approaching them, but he is still the same size as before. However, Slouchy does not notice that he is approaching his fellow Smurfs until Papa Smurf and Grandpa Smurf cling onto his foot to get his attention. Slouchy looks and sees that he has now become "the tallest Smurf". After telling Papa Smurf what has happened, Slouchy takes him and the other Smurfs into Farmer's house so they can contact Gourdy, but he doesn't answer. Papa Smurf tells Slouchy to take Farmer to search the fields while the others wait, but Hefty decides it would be better to just go into Gourdy's home to find him, and though Papa Smurf doesn't feel it's right to go into somebody's else home without permission, he realizes that this is an emergency and so he and his little Smurfs go in to search for Gourdy.
Meanwhile, the two wandering gnomes enter Farmer's house looking for something to eat and finding the place deserted like all the other houses. The tall gnome is ready to move on, but the short gnome sees Gourdy's gourd sitting on a shelf and says that they should eat that. The tall gnome tells the short one that they're not thieves, but then he reasons that there's nothing wrong with having a little snack and so takes the gourd, shaking the tiny Smurfs that are inside it. The tall gnome sniffs the gourd and says it's ripe for making gourd soup, telling the short gnome that they will cook it up and eat it before anyone knows they're gone, all the while tossing the gourd in the air and shaking the tiny Smurfs.
Out in the fields, Slouchy holds Farmer in the palm of his hand while the village crop tender shouts for Gourdy to tell him that his vacation is over. Gourdy wakes up from his hammock which disappears and responds to his master's call, noticing how small he's now become. Slouchy tells Gourdy that he made everyone else small just to make him tall, and now it's time to get back to the others. However, by the time they return to Farmer's house, the two Smurfs and the genie see the two gnomes cooking up Gourdy's home, and quickly Gourdy says "cadodah casabah" while waving his hands, and the gourd flies out of the pot and into Gourdy's hand. Slouchy wonders where the other Smurfs are, and Gourdy hears that they are inside his home, so he says "casabah cadodah", and soon the Smurfs are transported out of the gourd and back to their normal size.
The two gnomes are now fearful of their returned hosts, wondering what is going on, but soon fear turns into friendly hospitality as Gourdy offers his services to satisfy the appetites of the Smurfs' guests. Meanwhile, Nat, Snappy, and Sassette apologize to Slouchy for making fun of him for being a short Smurfling, but Slouchy accepts it and takes it in good stride, saying that from this he will learn it is better to just grow up naturally.
- This is one of the very few episodes to have a Smurf be seen with his hat off. In this case, Papa Smurf can briefly be seen without a hat when he gets out of bed after becoming small.
- Grandpa says Sassette, Natural, and Snappy are the same height which is tall for their age - but Sassette is brand new and Natural and Snappy were adult-aged.
- Slouchy was previously an adult so he should already know he was short as a kid and grew up to be normal size. Or, even if turning back into a kid erased his memories, the other Smurfs should be able to tell him.
- Despite the rule of only a Smurf finding the village, the gnomes found it without being led there.