"The World According To Smurflings" is an episode that appeared in Season 6 of the Smurfs cartoon show.
- Nat Smurfling
- Mother Nature
- Snappy Smurfling
- Slouchy Smurfling
- Sassette Smurfling
- Papa Smurf
- Grandpa Smurf
- Clumsy Smurf
- Handy Smurf
- Grouchy Smurf
- Dreamy Smurf
- Hefty Smurf (Cameo)
- Vanity Smurf (Cameo)
- Painter Smurf (Cameo)
- Greedy Smurf (Cameo)
- Unnamed Smurfs
Mother Nature trusts Nat to complete her work, but the other Smurflings mess with her wand.
Plot Summary[]
In the Smurf Forest, a wolf is about to pounce on a rabbit feasting on a leafy flower when he hears two voices nearby talking to each other. They are Papa Smurf and Grandpa Smurf, who are both going out on a hike together with Clumsy trailing behind, looking for a rock to put into his collection when he trips over one that he thinks may be a good one to add to the collection. Then they see someone using a magic wand to transform the colors of the trees and see that it's Mother Nature at work making sure the forest has its new fall fashions. She sees, however, that she has made a mistake with a squirrel that has a curly tail and decides to go after it to change it to a normal squirrel tail. The three Smurfs leave Mother Nature to her attempts to correct her fashion mistake as they go off on their hike. As the elderly guardian of nature tries ascending a tree to get to the squirrel, the branch she stands upon breaks, and upon her landing she finds that her back has gone out on her. Seeing that she still has half the forest to prepare for autumn, Mother Nature goes to find help.
After the three Smurfs cross the bridge over the river and pass by a group of bullfrogs just trying to enjoy dining by the waters, the wolf shows up again, this time to have some frogs for his meal. One of the frogs manages to leap all the way to the Smurf Village, where it lands on a wooden plank that Handy is sawing, catapulting him into Clumsy as he and the two elderly Smurfs return from their hiking trip. The frog continues to wreak havoc as he causes the Smurflings to dump paint on themselves after they have finished painting the roof of their playhouse and make Grouchy fall into the village well. It takes the combined efforts of the Smurflings to calm the little frog down, which Mother Nature notices and congratulates them for upon her arrival. She comes to ask a favor of the Smurfs to complete the work she has started in the forest and seeing that Nat has a gentle touch when it comes to dealing with things of nature, she asks the little Smurfling if he could take over for her, which he eagerly accepts. The other three Smurflings just look each other and say that some Smurfs have all the luck.
At Mother Nature's house, the elderly guardian gives Nat a list of assignments and the Wand Of Creation, telling him to be very careful because the wand is very powerful. While Papa Smurf tends to helping Mother Nature relax as he applies a heating pad to her back, Nat is greeted by the other three Smurflings who showed up saying that they want to help because they always do things together. Nat reluctantly allows them to come along, but only as long as they behave. Their first job is to transform some of the cocoons into butterflies, which Nat starts to do, but soon Sassette and Snappy take over until they end up transforming all the cocoons into butterflies (despite that some of them are suppose to open later). Next Nat gives a family of bears heavier coats for winter, but when Sassette sees a couple of birds up in the tree above them, she grabs the wand and gives them a heavy coat of feathers, thinking that it will keep them warm in the winter as well. However, the heavy coat of feathers makes the birds fall off the branch when they try to fly off.
Soon, all the work of trying to change the colors of the trees is making Snappy hungry, so he takes the wand and makes one of the trees produce ice cream cones for them to enjoy. Nat says that he isn't sure that Mother Nature would like that, but Snappy just says she simply never thought of that. All too soon, though, the sun causes the ice cream to melt from their cones onto the Smurflings. As they go to see what else on the list needs to be done, Sassette smells a skunk that is just passing by and uses the wand to make it smell like perfume, which Nat says Mother Nature isn't going to like. Snappy gets pricked by the quills of a porcupine that he leans upon and so uses the wand to make it be covered by a soft shell of marshmallows. Soon the Smurflings are fighting over control of the wand, and as they fight for it, they end up all sorts of wild changes in the forest, giving trees and animals unusual colors among other things.
Meanwhile, Papa Smurf has Mother Nature feeling all better with his magic hands back massage when he notices snow falling outside her window, and she notices some birds look heavier than usual. They both check outside her door and see that the forest is covered in pink snow, and that the animals, plants, and trees are dressed in strange colors. Mother Nature suspects that something is wrong and so she and Papa Smurf go off into the forest to find the Smurfling she put in charge of her wand.
As the Smurflings continue to fight over the wand, the wolf shows up and this time goes after the skunk seen earlier. The skunk tries to use its scent to ward off the wolf, but the scent only makes the skunk attractive to the wolf and so chases after it and the porcupine. Soon the wand flies out of the Smurflings' hands, landing deep in a pile of snow, and they also see the wolf coming after them as well. The Smurflings try to escape the wolf, but soon they come to a dead end as they, the skunk, and porcupine are trapped by a rock wall. Fortunately, Mother Nature finds her wand in time and, seeing that the Smurflings and the animals are in danger, uses it to grow thick vines to trap the creature.
Nat feels so ashamed for what has happened because he has allowed his fellow Smurflings to help, and all the other Smurflings wanted to do was to improve things in nature. Mother Nature uses the wand to restore the forest back to its normal appearance while also giving back the skunk's and porcupine's natural defense mechanisms to fend off the wolf. Papa Smurf tells the Smurflings that there's a reason that Mother Nature created things in nature just the way they are. Nat thinks that Mother Nature isn't going to need his help anymore, but Mother Nature says that her back is still a little stiff, and so he helps the elderly guardian finish the job of preparing the forest for autumn. Then Mother Nature sees the curly-tailed squirrel again and tells Nat to go fix the tail of the squirrel when they both see another squirrel, a female with the same curly tail, join with her mate. Seeing that the two squirrels are happy together, they both decide to let them be. From there, Nat learns the first rule of Mother Nature: if it works, don't fix it.
- When the Smurflings get up after being hit by the frog, Snappy has a red shirt like Slouchy.