"They're Smurfing Our Song" is a Season 5 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.
- Sassette Smurfling
- Brainy Smurf
- Gargamel
- Azrael
- Woody
- Laconia
- Papa Smurf
- Hefty Smurf
- Clumsy Smurf
- Farmer Smurf
- Harmony Smurf
- Bigmouth
- Kings
- Vanity Smurf (Cameo)
- Unnamed Smurfs
Sassette and Brainy borrow Woody's magic pipe to make Gargamel love others, but Gargamel takes it and change its effect - everyone that hears it will be now full of hate and anger.
Plot Summary[]
Out in the forest, a song from Woody's magic pipe is played for Laconia, with Woody loving their song. Using sign language, Laconia says she loves the song.
Nearby, a group of Smurfs walk with smurfberries happily, with Hefty taking Sassette's basket so she could relax her arms. The Smurfs greet Woody and Laconia. The two elves meet Sassette, who says she was created by "Pappy Gargamel" but gets into an argument with Brainy, who tries to dismiss her idea of Gargamel as her father. However, their argument stops when Woody plays a magic song, and they apologize to each other. Sassette says Woody's music is beautiful, with Woody saying that the elf who made it casted a spell on it so that everyone who hears it can be kind to others. Woody and Laconia decide to bid farewell to the Smurfs, with Laconia using sign language recommending that they should meet up sometime and where they always are.
As the Smurfs leave, Gargamel is around hearing the sounds of Smurfs. He hides in a bush and sees them happy. He runs to them, and the Smurfs run away. Sassette tries to greet him but ends up in his stew pot. The other Smurfs also get caught until Gargamel runs into Bigmouth, who ends up angrily asking what is in the stew pot. Gargamel attempts to explain himself, but as he is, the Smurfs run off. By the time Gargamel is forced to show him, there's nothing in it. Bigmouth runs after Gargamel as the Smurfs laugh at him. Sassette, however, wants to help him.
At night, Sassette remembers Woody's directions and discovers his pipe. She gets caught by Brainy, who wants to know what she's doing with Woody's pipe. Sassette tells him that she can use it to bring joy to Gargamel to turn him into a happy wizard. Brainy disapproves of this plan until Sassette tells him that if he helps her, the Smurfs could potentially cheer for Brainy and put up statues of him. Brainy likes the idea and decides to go along with Sassette's plan.
The two Smurfs go to Gargamel's hovel, where the evil wizard is sleep-talking. The two are unable to do their plan and run off without Woody's pipe. Gargamel continues sleeping.
Brainy and Sassette are afraid that Woody will figure out that she has taken his pipe without permission - but they find Woody, who asks if they have seen his pipe. Sassette reveals to him that she took the pipe, but for a worthy cause to stop the dreaded menace. Though it already is in the world's most dreaded menace.
Gargamel finds the pipe and wonders if he still knows how to play. Gargamel sees the pipe's description of if he blows it, his heart will grow. He and Azrael are terrified of it, with Gargamel grateful that he didn't play a note yet. However, he gets an idea. He takes a spell that will cause people to do bad things instead of good. Gargamel casts the spell, but Woody is nearby and tries to take it, but the damage has started as Woody abandons the pipe after hearing the cursed song. The spell is now working.
Woody comes back to his house, enraged as Laconia asks with sign languages what's wrong. Woody packs his things up and leaves, wanting to be far away from Laconia. The rejected elf starts crying.
Gargamel cackles in the forest as he wants to see what the pipe can do on the peace-making people and Smurfs. The pipe affects two kings playing chess and they start a war.
In the village, Papa Smurf learns about the magic spell and plans to go to Gargamel's to fix the pipe. He tells Brainy and Laconia to go with him. In the forest, a group of four Smurfs are picking smurfberries and they are affected by Gargamel's pipe. They begin arguing until they are caught by the wizard. Papa Smurf observes this as well as the two kings starting a war.
Papa Smurf, Brainy, and Laconia arrive at Gargamel's hovel, where they begin to put their plan into action. Gargamel prepares to cook the Smurfs until Papa Smurf arrives on the scene. Gargamel responds by playing the pipe, but Papa Smurf and Brainy have earmuffs on trying to fight back. Laconia, who cannot hear, also goes into the hovel. Brainy and Papa Smurf are caught by Gargamel and put into the Smurf collection. Sassette, who has been around, wants to do something, but wonders what. Laconia drops the pipe and Sassette arrives. Sassette overpowers the magic pipe and tells Gargamel that she loves him. Gargamel stops playing and starts crying, saying that nobody has ever said that to him before. Papa Smurf sees that not even the evil in Gargamel is wrong enough to withstand the power of love. Laconia takes the pipe and starts playing it. Gargamel becomes nice and frees the Smurfs, though they wonder if he is fine. Gargamel says he's never better and apologizes for everything. The Smurfs bid farewell to Gargamel. Papa Smurf realizes that the spell will likely wear off, but even if it does, he will never forget what happened to him.
Laconia continues to play the song, and sees Woody, who is still enraged until he hears the song. Woody apologizes for what he has done, and Laconia uses sign language to forgive him. Woody and Laconia kiss and rejoice.
- Farmer and Harmony were two of four Smurfs affected by the pipe and were captured by Gargamel. Later, they are nowhere to be seen in Gargamel's hovel.
- When the Smurfs walk out of Gargamel's hovel, Vanity can be seen even though he was not captured by Gargamel. In the next shot, Vanity is gone.