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"Vanity's Wild Adventure" is a Season 7 episode from the 1980s Smurfs cartoon show.



Vanity must spend the night with Wild in the forest and he isn't very satisfied with that.

Plot Summary

The Smurfs are having a picnic and Painter is painting a scene of a field. Wild and his squirrel companion, Chitter are hiding in the bushes and they come out to briefly talk to each other, then return to hiding. Meanwhile, Tailor gives Vanity a scarf featuring his face which he made himself in exchange for one of his mirrors. Vanity thanks Tailor and puts it on, then admires himself in one of his other mirrors. Wild and Chitter arrive to the picnic and are greeted by the others, but Sassette sees that they forgot to give Wild a present. Wild takes one of Brainy's gifts, but Brainy takes it away, saying it's his gift. This upsets Wild and runs off.

Meanwhile, Gargamel, Scruple, and Azrael are out Smurf-hunting and hear a couple Smurfs singing.

Vanity is out in the forest with his new scarf as he goes to relax in some shade. Clumsy wonders if Wild will come back, but he is interrupted by Gargamel, who arrives on the scene and the Smurfs run away. He, Scruple, and Azrael split up and chase after an individual Smurf. However, they all got away and the three crash into each other. They then see Vanity, who is relaxing in the shade but notices Gargamel and tries to run but gets caught anyway. Vanity calls for help. Luckily, Wild hears and runs to save him with Chitter. As Gargamel discusses his plan with Scruple, the evil wizard comes across Wild, who ties his nose and saves Vanity. Wild, Vanity, and Chitter continue to run from Gargamel. The wizard won't give up, however, and runs to Smurf Canyon. While the trio escape, the canyon cannot hold Gargamel, Scruple, and Azrael and ends up collapsing as they are stuck. Gargamel curses the Smurfs.

Vanity's Wild Adventure2

Who do you think I am to want me sleep on the trees?

At night, Vanity is still in the forest, demanding for Wild and Chitter to take him to his actual house. Wild cannot do that, as it is getting too dark. Though Vanity protests this, he ends up running up to Wild's tree. As Vanity doesn't know if it could get any worse... it does, as it begins raining. Vanity is shivering and calls it the worse night of his life.


In the morning, Vanity wakes up with mud all over him and wants to see what he looks like, but he sees that his mirror is gone and thinks he's been abandoned, but it turns out that Wild is back with Chitter. Vanity angrily asks how he will get down and Wild tells him to climb down. Vanity refuses until Wild ties him forcefully and pushes him down. Vanity is upset and wants to get out of here as Wild unties him.

Wild now begins to make breakfast, which is glop. Though he and Chitter enjoy it and offer some to Vanity, but he throws it away. Just then, Chitter finds Vanity's mirror and he thanks him for that, but he sees that he is covered in mud and faints. Vanity can't take it anymore and begs for Wild to take him back to the village. Wild accepts and walks with Chitter.

Meanwhile, the other Smurfs search for Vanity and Wild, and Clumsy sees part of Vanity's scarf. Sassette sees Gargamel's footprints and concludes that he was chasing Vanity.

Elsewhere, Gargamel and Scruple chop a tree to cover the broken Smurf Canyon bridge, but it almost crushes him and runs away from it. Nearby, they see Wild and Chitter as they enjoy themselves, but hear Gargamel stepping on the tree and Wild tries to use a vine, but it breaks and causes Gargamel to grab Wild. Chitter runs back to Vanity.

As Vanity tastes the glop and surprisingly enjoys it, Chitter runs to Vanity, who wonders where Wild is. Chitter tells Vanity to run with him.

Gargamel cackles and dreams of a Smurf sandwich and shoos Azrael away. Vanity and Chitter watch from above and Chitter offers Vanity a vine. The Smurf is determined to save Wild's life, as Wild has saved his. Vanity swings from a vine, making Gargamel dizzy, so he tries to hit Vanity and gets hit himself. The Smurfs observe this as Gargamel continues to try to get Vanity, but fails, tripping on Scruple and Azrael. Wild leaves the sandwich and runs with Vanity and Chitter. Gargamel, Azrael, and Scruple try to run after them, but end up rolling on the tree and fall into a ravine. The trio exclaim that they hate Smurfs.

Vanity looks into his mirror, admiring himself again. While Sassette asks him if it was the worst gift giving exchange ever, Vanity says it was - until Wild saved his life. Since he never got a gift, Vanity gives his scarf to Wild. Wild is grateful, with Papa Smurf saying that they won't forget Wild next year and that it's good to have both of them home, or in Wild's case, his home away from home. As Wild puts it on, Vanity says it almost looks as good on him as it does on himself.


  • When Wild runs off, Sassette's hat becomes pink like her overalls, while Tailor's tail is white.