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"Waffles And Punishment" is the thirty-first episode of Season 2 of the CGI TV series, The Smurfs.



Greedy vs lily

When Greedy and Lily have a waffle eating contest, Greedy takes the competition too far.


It's the Waffle Smurfing contest in the Smurf Village as the Smurfs and the Smurf Girls cheer, with Reporter and Brainy hosting. Reporter introduces two contestants: the true king and sarsaparilla pie champion, Greedy, and the second contestant, the new but promising Lily. Brainy explains that the last one to eat all the waffles wins. He then rings the bell, starting the competition.

Greedy and Lily have two different eating strategies: Greedy stuffs everything in his mouth while Lily takes her time, which proves to be a better method. However, Greedy's strategy almost backfires on him, and he eats so much that he almost throws up. He regains confidence with only four waffles left. He weakly eats one of the four and now he is tied with Lily so far. Greedy attempts to throw the three remaining waffles in the air and eat them, but it fails and all three bounce off his hat. The Smurfs groan at this, which motivate Greedy to go under the table and pick them up. He then gets a devious idea: he takes two waffles and stuffs them in his pants while he eats the other waffle. With that, Greedy is once again declared "champion" as the other Smurfs, including his competitor Lily, cheer.

Papa Smurf hands Greedy the trophy of the Golden Waffle, but as he does, Greedy is on the verge of throwing up and all he can do is laugh. Reporter asks Greedy who he would like to thank, but gets uninterested and zooms over to Lily, who says she would like to thank Greedy, who is her new role model. As she slaps his back, Greedy almost throws up again, with Reporter believing he's blushing. Greedy regains focus and panics, running away, but Lily and Reporter run after him.

Greedy runs into his house, but as he holds his waffles, he has a vision of them badmouthing him since he cheated. Lily and Reporter barging in around his house does not help matters, causing Greedy to run into the chimney, where the two Smurfs are there again.

Poor Greedy tries to escape, only for Lily and Reporter to follow him everywhere. Greedy tries to tell Papa Smurf about it, but he congratulates Greedy again and says it's because they look up to him. Greedy tells him he wants privacy, but Papa Smurf can only tell him that's the price of stardom. He takes off on a stork and says he'll be back to ask his fans after he gets back from his harvest.

With nobody to help Greedy, he runs away from Reporter and Lily once more. He runs into Papa Smurf's lab as Brainy shows up, informing the two that a chunk of Smurfs hates the Smurfarazzi, which earns him a kick elsewhere in the village. Lily and Reporter decide to give Greedy some time alone.

Greedy hides in the lab, with him looking at the waffles badmouthing him again. However, one of the waffles "says" he'll never forget that he cheated. This gives Greedy an idea to forget his cheating.

The desperate Greedy searches for a potion and successfully find it. He creates the forgetting potion. However, he believes that it's not enough and he puts the entire potion in the pot. The lab experiences an explosion.

The potion fails as Greedy still remembers and his waffles badmouth him again. Just then, a devil Greedy tells him to eat the waffles, scaring Greedy as the devil introduces him as his "advisor". An angel Greedy arrives and tells Greedy he should tell the truth. This annoys devil Greedy as angel Greedy tells him to give the Golden Waffle trophy to Lily. Angel Greedy introduces himself as his good conscience, the one he should listen to. Devil Greedy imitates him, causing a fight between them until Greedy stops it. Suddenly, Brainy walks in the lab and demands to know what Greedy is doing in Papa Smurf's lab. Greedy listens to his devil and says Papa Smurf asked him to do some cleaning and he's going to leave now, leaving Brainy suspicious.

Greedy runs away as his angel and devil consult him about whether he should tell the truth or keep lying to himself, which stresses him out and he yells for them to go away. He begins to throw things, but since they are ghosts, it blends through them, one of the items hitting a nearby Smurf. Devil Greedy jokes about presumably entering a "chaos smurfing" contest, which he wouldn't even need to cheat for, which drives Greedy insane. He tries to fight them, but they are invisible to anyone else, making Hefty confused about what's wrong with Greedy.

Waffles and punishment

Greedy hides in his house, where the consciences show up as the devil Greedy jumps on the bed while the angel Greedy berates him for it. Greedy can't take it anymore and runs out of his house, where Lily and Reporter question if Greedy's alright.

Greedy runs into Chef, who tells him to eat some of his waffles as a special competition recipe. This terrifies Greedy, which drives him to say he's not hungry!

This captures the attention of several other Smurfs, who walk up to him and worry about him. Greedy begins crying and reveals he cheated, which upsets the devil Greedy but delights the angel Greedy. Greedy explains that when the waffles fell, he hid two of them. Lily is angered by this, as he went against the rules of the game. Greedy tells Lily that he was pressured by his fans, Papa Smurf, and the village. He gives the trophy to Lily, which makes her accept Greedy's apology and says they can both start the contest all over again. As the Smurfs cheer, devil Greedy is upset by the good ones winning, which angel Greedy clarifies as them winning because they're the Smurfs!


  • The two waffles that are speaking in Greedy's mind are voiced by Kaycie Chase in the French dub and Charlie Cattrall and Ilse La Monaca in the English dub.
  • Jokey's gag box does not appear in this episode.
  • The scene of Brainy getting kicked elsewhere in the village is repeated from "Bringing Up Smurfy".
  • The scene of Bigmouth opening his door after hearing Greedy's yelling is repeated from "Okey-Dokey!".
  • Several scenes of the Smurfs cheering are repeated from "Who's Heftier?", while the scene of the Smurfs gasping when Greedy almost throws up is reused from that episode as well.
  • During the competition while the Smurfs sit on benches, there are very clear Begonia clones sitting spread around in the audience. This is very notable because the real Begonia can be seen sitting with Blossom, Storm, and Willow.


Waffles and Punishment error description

TV description incorrectly calling Lily "Storm".

  • TV listings incorrectly call Lily "Storm" in the description of this episode.