"Wild And Wooly" is a Season 5 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.
- Wooly Smurf
- Nat Smurfling
- Snappy Smurfling
- Slouchy Smurfling
- Sassette Smurfling
- Young Boy
- Young Boy's Father
- Gargamel
- Azrael
- Puppy
- Papa Smurf
- Tailor Smurf
- Sheep
- Wooly's Frog
- Smurfette (Does not speak)
- Vanity Smurf (Does not speak)
- Spinner Smurf (Mentioned only)
- Weaver Smurf (Mentioned only)
- Unnamed Smurfs
The Smurflings travel with Wooly to get wool, but there's a wizard hiding among the sheep.
Plot Summary[]
The Smurflings were playing as usual in the beginning of springtime, when Snappy heard a noise and the Smurflings went to see where it came from. It was Wooly sharpening his scissors, because tonight was the night he goes as every year to Molar Mountain to collect wool from the sheep that pasture there and take it to the Smurf Village in order to make wooly clothes for the Wool Festival. Snappy said that Tailor is in charge of making clothes, but Wooly adds that if it wasn't for him, Tailor couldn't have any material to do his job. Nat points that the poor sheep could get a cold because their wool is cut off, but Wooly says that the wool starts to grow again. Sassette asked if the Smurflings can go with him next time, but Wooly points that them are not prepared for a responsible task. However, Papa Smurf intervenes and said that is time for the Smurflings to know about the serious tasks adult Smurfs had to take as time makes them older, so Wooly accepts. Papa Smurf insists as well that Wooly would take his magic bag, although Wooly persist in doing this as his way.
That night was the Night of the Wool (first Spring Night) when he goes to Molar Mountain in order to cut off wool. Later that night, a young sheepherder tells a female colleague that every first night of spring at midnight, an elf infiltrates his flock and cuts off wool from his best sheep, leaving a basket with worthless fruits as payment. However, Gargamel and Azrael heard the conversation and when the boy points that the basket is no bigger that 2 apples of height, Gargamel deduces that the worthless fruits are smurfberries, so the Smurfs are behind the wool cut. Later, Gargamel and a reluctant Azrael dressed as sheep in order to catch the Smurfs in Molar Mountain, and in the meantime, Wooly and the Smurflings prepare to go to Molar Mountain. Papa Smurf instructs Nat in taking the magic bag, because Wooly's pride could be a trouble, and to make things harder, Wooly refuses to take Puppy with them, so the Smurflings order him to stay.
Back to Molar Mountain, the young sheepherder and his father talk about protecting the flock not only from thieves, but also from their sworn enemy, the Old Hunting Wolf from Molar Mountain. The boy said that if their shepherd dog wasn't too old, the wolf would not be an adversary, however his father points that even is old, he knew the flock very well. A few hours later, Wooly and the Smurflings began to work from the bushes near to the flock, while Gargamel and Azrael came to the flock and the wolf was getting nearby. Snappy's everlasting impulsiveness almost blew Wooly's job while Gargamel and Azrael made it to the flock and the wolf was about to reach his goal.
Just when Wooly and the Smurflings got the best wool from the wooliest sheep, Gargamel jumped and caught Wooly. That provoked the flock to scatter over all the meadow at the same time the wolf reached the place. The boy and his dog woke up and saw what happened. Before Gargamel could break Wooly's neck for all his insults, the wolf mistook Gargamel for a big sheep and began to chase him, so the latter released Wooly and tried to save himself for being eaten by the wolf, while Azrael got recognized by the boy's dog as not being a lamb but a cat in sheep's clothing and begins to chase him as well.
The boy catches Wooly and tells him that he's going to take him to his father for stealing the wool from his sheep, now that all got scattered over the meadow. However, the Smurfs offer to take them back as they are beings of keep and fulfill promises, so the boy let them do it, and when the Smurflings began to get tired, Puppy appear from nowhere and helped them reunite back the flock.
With everything back to normal, Wooly and the Smurflings are ready to take the wool to Smurf Village, but the boy protested because his father would reprimand him for this and pointing that the Smurfs always steal wool. Wooly said that he pays them every year with a basket filled with smurfberries, but the boy points that smurfberries are not a currency for human needs to buy clothes or lumber for winter, not even food and Wooly felt sorry for them. Nat points that is time to use Papa Smurf's magic bag and for the first time in years, Wooly eats the crow of his pride and rode a spell Papa Smurf put on the bag. The smurfberries were turned into gold and the boy later gave them to his father after telling him the story. The old sheepherder points that from now on every year, the Smurfs can take all the wool they need for their warming and the Wool Festival as well.
Back to the Smurf Village, everybody congratulates Wooly and the Smurflings for the job done, with Tailor (see goof below) even pointing that is the finest wool they ever got in years. Wooly admitted that without the Smurflings, he could not make a good job as always and points that from now on, he would not go the Molar Mountain alone and will take some companions on every expedition for years afterwards. Soon, Wooly mounts on his frog steed and rides to the Wool Night to open the festival.
Sassette points to her "Pappy Smurf" that would be good that Wooly will be as always, every time, and Papa Smurf said that once a year is good to have Wooly getting his job well done, as the episode ends telling to Sassette "And I'm Papa, not Pappy.".
- First of two appearances of Wooly.
- Smurfette, Tailor, and Vanity make silent cameos in this episode.
- For the first time, the Smurfs use a currency to pay for something, although the causes are justified because of the modern interpretations of thievery.
- This is one of the final episodes of Season 5, and the final episode of the Smurfs that is animated at Hanna Barbera's main house studio. Beginning with Season 6 onwards, the animation work moves overseas to Wang Film Productions/Cuckoos Nest Studio in Taiwan (a few episodes of Seasons 7 and 8, are animated in Japan at Toei Animation Inc.).
- Gargamel's song is heard in this episode.
- There's a sheepdog that looks an awfully like Sam Sheepdog and not only does a wolf show up, but Gargamel and Azrael disguises themselves as sheep in order to capture Wooly and the Smurflings, much like one of the ways Ralph the wolf tries to steal the sheep Sam is watching over.
- The background music cue when the young boy's father asks the boy to look after his sheep is the track used when Papa Smurf digs the Medallion of Poseidon from "The Smurfic Games".
- A Smurf who tries the wool on the end of the episode with Tailor (and speaks with his voice) might be either Weaver or Spinner, since they both need wool for their work too.
- At one point in the episode, Snappy's pants are blue like his skin.
- In the end when Tailor and another Smurf appears, the Smurf next to Tailor speaks in his voice.