"Willpower Smurfs" is an episode that appeared in Season 3 of the Smurfs cartoon show.
- Jokey Smurf
- Vanity Smurf
- Greedy Smurf
- Harmony Smurf
- Grouchy Smurf
- Lazy Smurf
- Papa Smurf
- Gargamel
- Azrael
- Mummy (Mentioned only)
- Smurfette (Mentioned only)
- Unnamed Smurfs
Jokey tests Vanity, Greedy, Harmony, Grouchy, and Lazy if they can hold on without their habits for one day.
Plot Summary[]
The story begins with Vanity inside his house spending some private time with his reflection when Jokey decides to pay a visit with a surprise. Vanity refuses to open the surprise, believing it's going to explode on him, but when Jokey promises that it won't, Vanity decides to open it, only to get a mud pie in the face. Then Jokey sees Greedy having a picnic by himself eating his smurfberry cakes, and he offers his friend a pie, only it turns out to be a hot pepper pie that makes Greedy's mouth feel like it's on fire.
Greedy tells Jokey that he bet that his friend couldn't go one day without pulling his pranks on anyone, but Jokey counters that by saying Greedy couldn't go a day without stuffing his face, or Vanity not looking at himself in the mirror, or Harmony not playing his horn, or Grouchy not hating something. Vanity, who is joined by the Smurfs Jokey has mentioned, including Lazy, tells Jokey that he is willing to prove to him that he and his fellow Smurfs can go an entire day without doing the things they love doing if Jokey is willing to do the same, and the other Smurfs also accept the same challenge. Jokey says he is willing to go a whole day without playing jokes to prove that he can, and Greedy tells Jokey that if the others can go the whole day without doing the things they love, then Jokey must go the whole year without playing his pranks, which Jokey accepts.
And so, as the challenge begins, Vanity hands over all his mirrors to Papa Smurf, asking him to not give him anything to look at for the next 24 hours. However, Jokey decides to have a little fun seeing if his fellow Smurfs are living up to the challenge. He sneaks up on Grouchy to see if he is scowling, but Grouchy's frown turns upside down just before Jokey tries to catch him in the act. He sees Lazy trying to keep himself awake by dousing himself with pitchers of water and tries to put him to sleep by singing a lullaby, but though Lazy manages to keep himself awake during the singing, the other Smurfs who are within earshot end up falling asleep. Then Jokey decides to tempt Greedy with a big smurfberry cake that he couldn't resist eating, but his fellow Smurfs see what Greedy is about to do and warn him about it before he even touches the cake. Greedy goes into a panic, crying out that he couldn't stand going without eating. Then Jokey tempts Vanity into looking at himself in a mirror that he shows up with, telling his friend that he looks like he's got a big wart on his nose, but Vanity is willing to prove that he can suffer not looking at himself to see if he does have a wart.
Harmony feels that he couldn't stand going a whole day without playing his horn, so he decides to sneak into the forest and play it somewhere that Jokey would never be able to hear him. But just as he goes into the forest to find that private place, he falls into a trap set up by Gargamel, who then shows up with his cat to see the Smurf he has captured. Harmony realizes that he is in danger and starts blowing his horn to alert his fellow Smurfs. Back in the Smurf Village, Papa Smurf and Jokey hear Harmony's horn, and Jokey says that he won the bet because Harmony couldn't resist playing his horn. The other Smurfs who are part of the challenge also hear the horn playing and realize that the challenge has just ended, with Grouchy going back to being grouchy, Lazy immediately falling asleep, Vanity breaking out with the mirrors, and Greedy rushing to eat his pies. The three awake Smurfs say they must now suffer Jokey's pranks for a full year because Harmony had no willpower, but Papa Smurf who hears the horn playing says that it isn't Harmony's usual horn playing, that he is alerting his fellow Smurfs to the fact that he is in danger. As Gargamel takes his captive Smurf back with him to his castle in the hopes that the other Smurfs will come to rescue him, Papa Smurf has a plan to rescue Harmony which involves Jokey's particular skill.

Papa Smurf has prepared a willpower test for Gargamel.
Soon, as Gargamel is preparing to have Smurf stew with Harmony as part of the stew, he gets a knock on his door, and at the door is a present that is left with a note saying "Do not open until your birthday, and I mean it! Signed, Mummy.". Gargamel begins to wonder what is in the gift box that his mother gave him, and while he is distracted with the decision of either opening it right now or waiting until his birthday, neither he nor Azrael notice Papa Smurf and Jokey sneaking in to get Harmony out of the cage and out of the castle altogether. They join the Smurfs waiting at a safe distance from the castle just to see whether Gargamel has the willpower to not open the present when at last they hear an explosion, which turns out to be one of Jokey's usual "surprises". Gargamel just says that he should have waited until his birthday before he and his cat faint.
- The voices in this episode are noticeably in a slightly deeper pitch.
- The syndicated version of this episode was 2x lower than usual in pitch octave, but it goes to normal pitched for the rest of the episode.
- The iTunes edition of this episode carries the syndicated Smurfs Adventures repackaging of this episode, as opposed to the rest of the episodes, which remain uncut and use the original Season 3 intro sequence and credits.